The rightwingnut are all over the Sunday, and every day news, screaming

its NOT FAIR what the Dems are doing to Kavanaugh, the Pub nominee for SCOTUS..
They say he shouldn’t be held accountable for what every teen boy does.
First of all, all, most of us boys didn’t force ourselves on teen girls, BUT, that’s not the main point here.
Nor fair?
Any of you d-bags remember Robert Merrit, the Dem nominee?
Yeah, the one that McTurtleface wouldn’t even hold hearings on.
Now, the Pubs are finding out what we all knew.
Paybacks are a bitch, as the Dems are taking a page out of the Pub handbook and stalling, until the Liar in Chief is either impeached or is forced to resign when we finally get a look at his taxes and see the extent of his Russian connections and the rest of his underhanded illegal bullshit.
As always, just be patient, as the Dems use the Pubs own tactics on them and they scream and cry like the little bitches they are.


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