Kavanaugh is speaking and blaming everyone but himself, claiming the most reliable witness anyone has ever seen/heard is a liar.

And he’s blaming the Clintons(?), big Dem donors who have paid millions(?), and the Media.
Now he’s talking about how good his parents are, blah blah blah.
And how PROUD he is to been really close to GW.

Bottom line, get the FBI to investigate.
Get Mark Judge under oath and administer a polygraph test to him AND Kavanaugh.

I know LYING is fine with the Pubs, just look at FOX and Dotard, but Dr Ford is NOT a liar.

No two ways about it, no matter how vehemently Kav Boy denies his assault as a drunken teenager.

IF I hadn’t heard Ford’s recollections, I’d believe Kavanaugh’s testimony, but I did, so I don’t.
All that being said, he sure seemed sincere.

Classic he said she said, sorta like Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill
Thomas was a stinkin Liar, shown by MANY interviews after the fact.

BTW, don’t forget Kav boy was chosen by Dostard cuz he was the ONLY candidate who said a sitting president couldn’t be indicted.
And he was chosen by the Liar in Chief. SURPRISE, just like I predicted.


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