Wow, a Repub with balls?

Jeff Flake, though not a typical Repub, is asking for a one week FBI investigation into Dr Ford’s allegations.
Let’s see if it happens.
I’d be shocked, BUT, the Pubs may realize how much this crap will hurt them in November.
I’ll believe it when/if it happens, but if the FBI finds Dr Ford believable,Dotard and the rightwingnuts will DENY the legitimacy of the FBI. Just as they do with ALL the US intel, that shows Russia backed the Orange Clown.
Let’s just wait and see where this goes, as Kav Baby is probably filling his pants, knowing the truth MIGHT come out.
Just found out that Dotard has to agree to the FBI investigation, but if it doesn’t happen then Flake isn’t going along with the confirmation, and others may not either.



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