Have you noticed how much more it is to fill up at your local gas station?

Thank Dotard and the Pubs. There is NO oil shortage, just the opposite. There is no hurricane in the gulf or refinery explosion. It’s all about the Orange Clown’s Iran policy that has taken the world’s second largest oil producer out of the picture. And he’s creating a bunch unemployed religious fanatics who will hate America even more, in the tinderbox of the world, but that problem is in the future.
Just remember the jerks(R) policy as gas and every other oil related product goes up. And that’s not even counting the YUUUGE new expenses coming from Doatrd’s tariffs, which 95% of economists say is WRONG.
Thanks a bunch sheep, Comey and Russia, but esp FOXNews, mouth of the Repub party, where lying and propaganda is an art form, mastered by the Liar in Chief.


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