
Showing posts from April, 2019

Good times for Denver sports enthusiasts, as the Nuggets and Avs are BOTH in the second round of the playoffs.

Last night at the Pepsi Center was basketball, with hockey tonight, then b-ball tomorrow, followed by hockey on Thursday, keeping the floor crew really busy. So nice to see the Nuggets playing at a high level, as they run their completion into the ground, gasping for air at the high altitude. The REALLY good news? They’re both among the very youngest teams in their leagues, and are gonna be around, and GOOD, for a LONG time..... YAHOO!

Just watched a clip of Fat Donny performing for his mindless minions, somewhere in a rightwingnut stronghold,

where the frustrated ‘stand up comedian’ got to do his act, and reveled in the applause from an audience that would struggle to average anywhere close to a triple digit IQ. He did all his favorite lines, did his tried and true insults, with his school yard bully nicknames for his ‘enemies’, and the ‘special’ crowd ate it up, with their MAGA hats and grade school mentality. The sad part? These clowns’ votes count the same as an intelligent, well informed, educated voter. Yup, Dotard’s following the tried and true formula of Karl Rove who realized ‘they vote’ and ‘they’ll believe anything’ as he appealed to the TV preacher’s flock. The good news?  No prez has won re-election with an approval rating in the 30% or lower 40% range. Not even close..... AND, there’s NO WAY he’s expanding his base, cuz the YUUUGE majority of Americans HATE the Pathological LIAR, who just passed his ten thousandth LIE, while his hypocritical base don’t give a shit. Some things never cha...

Dotard’s obviously worried, for good reason, after Joe Biden entered the race.

The Liar in Chief is shoveling more, and specific, LIES to his base, (who will swallow ANYTHING) and replying to Biden. The bad news for the LYING P O S? He appeals ONLY to his base, and it’s not expanding AT ALL. He’s stuck in the 30-some percentage range, with the FOXNews faithful. Those clowns who get their ‘news’ from Bullshit Mountain and choke down the THOUSANDS of LIES from the vile mouth of the Liar in Chief, who just passed TEN THOUSAND LIES, as his hypocritical base doesn’t give a shit about LIES. Anyone who gets their ‘news’ from FOX gave up on truth, long ago, just wanting to hear the crap they love. Screw Fat Donny and his gullible, ignorant minions. Among the many Trump truisms, the truest may be that he governs and performs almost exclusively for his base. The consequence has been that Donald Trump’s approval ratings have never moved much over the high 30s—perilous territory for any incumbent. 

In other news from the Russian-backed, LYING, incompetent asshole....

WASHINGTON, April 30 (Reuters) - Republican and Democratic U.S. senators blasted President Donald Trump's proposal for a 23 percent cut in the U.S. budget for foreign aid and diplomacy as "insane" and "short-sighted" on Tuesday, and said it would not pass. "We're not going to approve this budget reduction. It's insane. It makes no sense," said Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, chairman of the Appropriations subcommittee that oversees the State Department and foreign aid budget. In other news about the criminal conman” Democrats Could Escalate Their Fight Against Trump’s Stonewalling Democrats are talking about the power of “inherent contempt,” which theoretically would allow them to jail administrative officials, using a  law that hasn’t been enforced since the 1930’s.

We all Dotard is full of shit, but sometimes the Liar in Chief’s LIES, get WAY bad, like this speech to an anti-abortion group.

Trump laid out this harrowing scenario : “The baby is born. The mother meets with the doctor. They take care of the baby. They wrap the baby beautifully, and then the doctor and the mother determine whether or not they will execute the baby.” And his crowd, the FOXSheep minions, swallow this crap, like they always do. Just ask them about Mueller saying there was ‘No obstruction’, by Fat Donny.

Wow, when the obstruction is SO obvious that even the clowns at FOX can see it, maybe the sheep oughta remove their heads from their asses and see what’s SO obvious to everyone else.

The Mueller report specifically claimed they would clear Dotard of obstruction, if that’s what they found, BUT THEY DIDN’T. And they cited eleven instances for Congress to follow, BUT, Fat Donny’s pet monkey redacted ALL OF THEM, so the gullible sheep, and the rest of us, wouldn’t see or hear of them. And now Barr is fighting Congress as they seek to read the report, as he works as Dotard’s private defense attorney rather than AG of the United States. Typical for the clowns that the Liar in Chief surrounds himself with.

Good ‘Letter to the Editor today, refuting a rightwingnuts view that Dotard is unbeatable in 2020. HA!

According to Hugh Hewitt’s column, the non-Trump supporters should throw up their hands and give up the election since President Donald Trump is such an upstanding guy with great accomplishments. Really, Hugh? Yes, the Obama economy is humming along but the only credit Trump should receive is a tax cut that benefits the top 1 percent of the rich, an increase in the national debt and the resurgence of military industrial complex funding that strips funds from health care, Social Security and the safety net. Trump’s approval rating is at 39 percent; 61 percent of voting Americans realize we need to also focus on affordable health care, sensible environmental policies and bring decency and humanity back to the White House. Sorry, Hugh, Americans don’t want to give up their basic human rights, civil liberties and democratic values for a few accomplishments that could be achieved by any of the other candidates running for president, as Trump drags the country down to his level of ...

The Political Action Machine, known as the NRA, finished up it’s election behind closed doors and reinstated LaPiere as the head of the Repub political propaganda agency.

What began as a hunting and gun safety organization has turned into an international fundraising machine and propaganda outlet for rightwing causes and candidates, where tens of millions of untraceable dollars (much of it from Russia) fund the Republican Party and their dogma.   Ackerman McQueen turned the NRA from an organization focused on hunting and gun safety into a conservative political powerhouse. The firm created and operates NRATV, an online channel whose hosts often venture into political debates not directly related to firearms, such as immigration and diversity on children’s TV. Oliver North threatened to expose the illicit financing and graft in the organization but was defeated in closed door sessions.

Dotard and his minions can’t shut up, about how GREAT the economy is. SOOO, they should be paying down the national debt, like Clinton and Obama did, right?

WRONG! Instead of paying the debt down, they’re adding to it, by $990 Billion, a rounding error from a TRILLION dollars, while the economy is SO GREAT. Yup, it’s great for the 1 who got over 90% of the tax breaks that the rest of us will have to cover, and the military industrial complex fatcats who rake in billions in profits from the most bloated (and GROWING) military the world has ever seen, in the age of cyber warfare and lone wolf bombers. Screw Fat Donny and the gullible sheep he rode in on. WASHINGTON »  The Trump administration says it expects to borrow $990 billion to fund the government in the current budget year, the second year of sizable increases in borrowing needs.

File it under ‘Thanks again, Dotard’, just like the hike in gas prices are costing us, as we all pay for his sanctions against Iran, although they totally complied with all the rules.

Yup, in just one example of how Fat Donny’s tariffs cost American consumers, NOT foreigners. Screw you Dotard, and the ignorant, gullible sheep you rode in on. And this is just one example, as his tariffs cost us YUUUGE on everything made of steel or aluminum, plus a BUNCH of other imports. Trump's washing machine tariffs are costing Americans almost $100 more per appliance A little more than a year after President Donald Trump slapped a 20 percent tariff on imported washing machines , new research finds that American shoppers have been the ones to pay the price.

What? You mean Fat Donny LIED, when he denied paying N Korea $2 mil for the realease of Otto?

Yup, just another of his 10,000+ LIES that he continually pour from his vile mouth. Joseph Yun, the former State Department Special Representative for North Korea, confirmed Monday that he signed an agreement to pay North Korea $2 million  for the release  of American student Otto Warmbier in 2017.  Yun said that he did so with the approval of then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and that it was his understanding President Donald Trump had also signed off on the decision. LIES, LIES and more LIES from the Liar in Chief.....

Can you imagine if Hillary did the same thing?

There are fresh affronts to democracy daily with Donald Trump in the White House. But with the news that he and members of his administration plan to  flout all congressional subpoenas  no matter what the subject, Trump’s disrespect for the rule of law and constitutional norms has hit a new high (or low). This is arguably the most dangerous thing to happen to the American system of government since Trump became president. Trump, his administration and all the congressional Republicans who go along are saying the executive branch is totally beyond any congressional oversight. Why even have a Congress? Trump believes that he can do whatever he wants (no matter how illegal or harmful for the nation) and that there is nothing anyone, including Congress, can do about it, and his shameless minions go along with it.

File it under ‘DUH....’

Beto O’Rourk claimed that FOXNews is just a mouthpiece for Trump, as they are a mutual admiration society for each other. No shit, Sherlock. We laugh at the North Korean ‘news’ agency and the women in pink kimonos who parrot the news that Kim Jong Un allows and gives them, BUT, we have the exact thing with Dotard’s ‘State News Agency’, (the Roger Ailes’ experiment in Propaganda for the undiscerning), who’s 100% in ‘cahoots’ with Fat Donny’s regime, only reporting the ‘news’ that’s favorable for the Orange Clown, with a simple motto. Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD, and NOTHING stands in the way. Facts be damned..... The craziest thing? The gullible sheep of Bullshit Mountain actually BELIEVE the crap and think they are seeing and hearing ‘real news’. I’d laugh about the shovel fed minions, if it weren’t so sad,,,,,,

While the average taxpayer saved enough in taxes for a couple Starbuck’s purchasers each month, 90% of the tax cuts went to the richest one per cent AND YUUUGE corporations.

Shoveling $$$ to the most bloated military in (history of) the world has to come fro somewhere, SO the Trumpies are looking at cuts to ‘entitlements like Soc Sec and Medicare, which just return our own ‘donations’ to us. Yup, the govt can’t make ends meet and this while the economy is GOOD, before the inevitable next recession hits, when it will be a disaster. How did this happen? Well, maybe it’s the 60 YUUUGE corporations that paid ZERO in taxes, (on billions in profits) under Dotard’s tax cuts. President  Donald Trump ’s new tax law aided corporations so radically that twice as many companies paid no federal taxes whatsoever in 2018, despite billions of dollars in profit. Amazon, Netflix, Chevron, Eli Lilly, Delta Airlines, General Motors, IBM and Goodyear were among the tax-free corporate titans, according to an analysis by the  Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy , a Washington think tank,  released Thursday . The study found that 60 of some of ...

Fat Donny passed a YUUUUGE milestone today. Yup, the Liar in Chief has told over TEN THOUSAND LIES since his inauguration.

To some of us this is OUTRAGEOUS! Even if the number is somewhat exaggerated the lying piece of crap has told THOUSANDS of LIES, some so egregious it makes your skin crawl as he just ‘makes it up’ and his staff either ignores it or ‘catapults the bullshit’ like Sarah Hunkameat. Obviously his gullible, ignorant minions either don’t even hear about the LIES, cuz Bullshit Mountain sure isn’t going to point out his continual LYING, or they know and just don’t give a shit, which I think is more prevalent. His continual ‘No Obstruction’ claim is an outright LIE, repeated by all his minions, although Mueller’s report clearly stated that they’d say ‘no obstruction’ if it was true, AND Dotard and his pet monkey in the AG office are stonewalling on the hundreds of ‘redactions’ that hide his obvious crimes, while ignoring subpoenas to find out the truth. And his ‘head up their ass’ minions are FINE with it. Can you imagine if Hillary tried to pull off such crap? The LIES, being backed b...

Fat Donny has come out swinging today, in defense of the NRA. WHY? Ha, as always, just follow the money, and the LIES.

The NRA contributed over $30 million dollars to Dotard’s campaign, with MILLIONS being funneled through them FROM RUSSIA. That’s why the Russian spy, Butina something, was sentenced to prison last week, BUT, Dotard is busy defending the ‘tax exempt’ political action committee because of the $$$$$ from them and the LIES they continually foist on the American people, with the BIG LIE being, ‘The Dems are gonna TAKE YOUR GUNS!, and the gullible redneck rightwingnuts swallow the crap, get all riled up and vote Repub, so they can ‘keep their guns’, which the Dems have no intention of taking, and WHO would do the taking? In Colorado we can’t even get sheriffs to take high capacity magazines OR take guns from the mentally ill who are making threats. SO, with their LIES and $$$$ the Liar in Chief LOVES the NRA and is fighting for them as their tax exempt status is being questioned as their leaders take home MILLIONS in salary, bonuses and kickbacks from the YUUUUGE weapons manufacturers ...

Wow, Avs won a great game tonight....

and the fast, speedy action of a 4-3 hockey game was a bit of a break after the Game of Thrones battle that left us exhausted. Yahoo, Avs and Nuggets both in second round of playoffs. First time ever, together.

The Liar in Chief was at it again today. Yup, he claimed the Dems want ‘unlimited, uncontrolled immigration at the southern border’, and the sheep swallow the crap.

The Pubs have continually FOUGHT an immigration bill that would set a policy for immigration, and Fat Donny ‘makes up shit’ for his rabid followers, like ‘unlimited and uncontrolled’. McTurtleface refused to even introduce a bilateral bill that had already passed half of Congress, cuz his chickenshit people didn’t want to go ‘on the record’ with their Pub base. Same old shit from the Pathological Liar as he tosses red meat to the sheep and they ignore reality, with his minions in Congress and FOX ‘catapults the LIES’. Nothing new here, but SO F’d up.....

Accompanying the definition of Hypocrite in the dictionary, there oughta be a picture of a Bible Belt ‘Christian, wearing a MAGA hat.

When allegations about President Bill Clinton ’s infidelity emerged in 1998, the Southern Baptist Convention, America’s largest evangelical denomination,  passed a resolution declaring  that “moral character matters” for public officials. Back then, the SBC urged Americans to vote for candidates who “demonstrate consistent honesty, moral purity and the highest character.” Two decades later, the fact that most  white evangelical Christians are willing to overlook President Donald Trump ’s infidelity , his dishonesty , his disparaging rhetoric toward immigrants and refugees, his support from Russia and the multiple  accusations of sexual misconduct  lodged against him suggests that their views on morality have changed dramatically, OR, they’re just plain hypocrites, depending on the political party of the ‘sinner’.


Nuggets win Game 7! Wow, what a game.....

Just heard a great description of Fat Donny.

Yup, our svelte, 239 lb (HA!) prez is built like a ‘melting Port-a-Potty’. Perfect, for the Orange Clown.... If that fat f**k is 239 I’m 160. Just ANOTHER LIE from the Lying sack o’ shit, who lies like most people breathe. Constantly. BUT, only 2/3 of the people care. The rest are Pubs who don’t give a shit, cuz they’re as morally bankrupt as the Liar in Chief.

Finally, Fat Donny is getting behind vaccinations, after making it part of his campaign to OPPOSE them, quoting ‘junk science’ that the gullible sheep swallowed..

Just part of the anti-science Pubs who have to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century, as they IGNORE basic science and ‘go with their gut’ or ‘The Good Book’ and IGNORE what science has learned through basic education and years of study. Not that different than Copernicus being killed by ‘the church’ cuz he said the earth wasn’t the center of the universe. Yup, Dotard is finally saying kids need vaccinations (DUH) as measles has staged a comeback after nearly being brought under complete control. Thanks again, Dotard, and the gullible sheep who swallow his crap.

Soooo, I’m not the only one who sees Sarah Hunkameat as nothing but a paid, professional LIAR, catapulting the LIES of the Liar in CHief and even making up a few of her own.

Anyone who could be SO morally bankrupt as to stand in front of the press (or at least she USED to) and spout the LIES of Fat Donny as truth, and twist, squirm and dodge around legitimate questions, before ignoring them or making up a new LIE for the occasion, deserves all the ‘shade’ and derision she gets from the ‘non-sheep’ majority of the country, like Sam Donaldson, who’s been around a LONG time and has never seen anyone like the lying bitch, saying she deserves an Oscar. Veteran ABC news anchor Sam Donaldson on Friday called out White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders’   well-documented history of lying as he appeared to suggest she deserved a “lifetime achievement Oscar” for spreading false and misleading information. “Look, I’ve had the pleasure of working with almost every press secretary beginning with Pierre Salinger of John F. Kennedy’s administration and, except for Ron Ziegler who lied for Richard Nixon, I’ve never seen anything like this with S...

The NRA, which started out as a gun rights group and devolved into a Repub Political Action Committee, used by the Russians to funnel $$$$ to Dotard’s campaign, is in a leadership fight.

Wayne LaPierre, the LYING jerk who continually screams,’The Dems are gonna TAKE YOUR GUNS’,  (although no one has ever figured out HOW), has been in an ongoing fight with Ollie North, the criminal who headed the Iran Contra scandal where GHWBush traded DRUGS for guns and started the inner city crack epidemic to get $$$ for the war that Congress said NO to. BUT, the drug dealer is a Pub ‘HERO’ for some God-forsaken reason and is now threatening to show the YUUUUGE sums pocketed by LaPierre from Russia and other players in the NRA’s schemes to put more guns on the market (on American streets and in dictator’s hands around the world) and more Pubs in office. Will be interesting to see how it all shakes out as the leaders fight over their ill-gotten gains from Russia and the world’s arms dealers. Sickening, but SO Republican, as Fat Donny kissed their asses and begged for their continued support and $$$$.

The Univ of Va Nat’l B-ball champs were invited to the WHite House and like a YUUUGE number of athletic champs before them said, ‘Thanks, but NO thanks’.

The LAST thing the players wanted was to be seen and photographed with Fat Donny. The coach made up some crap for the press like, ‘Oh, the players are busy and some have been drafted by the pros.....’, like that’s not true of EVERY championship team. Bottom line, no self-respecting person wants to be in the same room with the LYING jerk in the White House. FOXSheep and sold-out Repubs obviously excluded.

Not only is Robert De Niro an excellent actor, he also has a ‘way with words’, as he describes the pig in the White House.

After he earlier said he’d love to catch Trump in a dark alley, (an event I’d pay YUUUGE money to see), he had this to say about the LYING scum bag yesterday. Remember, they’re both New Yorkers who know each other well. BTW, Dotard’s home state gave him 15% of the vote, cuz they KNEW the asshole, unlike the ‘Christian’ farmers in Iowa, etc, who think, ‘he’s one of us’. OMG, they raise GULLIBLE to a new level....... Robert De Niro, a  vocal Trump critic , made a surprise appearance onstage during the Bee's event. The actor said he looked forward to the "the exquisite release” of voting the president out of office in 2020, according to  People .  The Hollywood Reporter  says he also described the president as an "unrepentant, lying scum bag."

Watching Jeopardy and the question was a bout John Kerry getting ‘Swiftboated’, which was TOTAL LIES, but it helped Bush win,

Just another example of how the Pubs LIE and the gullible sheep believe them. If it weren’t for their LIES we wouldn’t have had Bush or Dotard, but they LIE like rugs and ‘we the people’ suffer for it cuz the gullible sheep swallow it. Yup, the Pubs LIE and the sheep elect the LIARS. Some things never change, BTW, Kerry said, “ If I wouldn’t have known the truth, I’d have voted against me’..... Screw Dotard and the gullible, LIE BELIEVING sheep he rode in on, who can’t tell the difference between a LYING  NYC, Russian-backed conman and a qualified candidate. Screw Fat Donny, (who raw-dogs porn stars while his wife’s home with the baby),and the gullible sheep he rode in on....

SOOO, as part of his ‘Bullshit Campaign’, Dotard originally claimed a link to autism from the measles vaccine, as part of the Pubs ‘anti-science’ base, and MANY of the gullible, clueless sheep listened to him.

Now, under YUUUGE criticism, Fat Donny is changing his tune and claiming people SHOULD be vaccinated. DUH, you dumbshit.... Just part of the crap from his vile mouth that HURTS real people, big time, as the criminal conman spreads LIES and bullshit, and the gullible sheep swallow his crap. Nothing new here, but it gets SO old......

Just think about what the Pubs stand for these days, with Fat Donny in charge.

Denying and ignoring lawful subpoenas and orders from Congress. Unlimited arms sales to rogue nations and ‘undesirables’ around the world. One of THREE nations NOT to follow the NATO agreement. Just like the US is one of only a couple nations who aren’t part of the Paris Accord, which fights the PROVEN concept of Climate Change, just part of the ANTI-Science platform of the Pubs. They put a Russian-backed, self-admitted Pussy Grabbing Pathological LIAR in the White House. Today the clown claims he put down a ‘coup’, which is a violent, armed takeover of a govt, and the goons at the NRA meeting applauded him. They supported a Cabinet where over half of the Secs were/are TOTALLY UNQUALIFIED. They ignore the fact that his family, lawyer and campaign committee met over a HUNDRED times with the Russians, where his own sons said he got his financing, after US sources ‘dried up’. The Pub ‘tax cut’ went over 90% to the top ONE PERCENT. The same crowd that finances Pub politics a...

It’s called ‘contempt of court’ and contempt of Congress’, as Fat Donny ignores subpoenas and orders his staff to do likewise.

The good news? It’s one of the things that took down Tricky Dicky(R), and Dotard is on the same track  Yup, the criminal conman who claimed the Mueller report totally exonerated him AND Mr Mueller did a GREAT job has now changed his tune, LYING his ass off and not allowing his staff to testify, which is against the law. We’ll see how loyal they are as they all face contempt charges and prison. The ONLY reason Mueller didn’t indict the LYING conman is that it was outside his job description, BUT, he pointed out over TEN areas where Congress SHOULD indict him for obstruction. He COULDN’T, according to the law, which Mueller observes, unlike Fat Donny. The criminal clown is also ignoring the LAW that says he MUST provide his taxes to Congress. A LAW, plain and simple and the conman is ignoring it, cuz he doesn’t want his Russian ties exposed, among a BUNCH of dubious crap that he wants hidden. Lock his Fat Ass up. What’s the problem? We’re SUPPOSED to be a nation of LAWS an...

Dotard just keeps doing irreparable damage, cuz that’s who he is and what he does, as he just withdrew the US from the NATO Arms Treaty, which keeps weapons out of the hands of ‘undesirables’ around the world.

Yup, at the request of the NRA, Fat Donny condemned thousands to death so the arms merchants can make more money, AND Dotard could check off another ‘Obama’ accomplishment. We now join a couple pariahs in the world, just like those who didn’t sign the Paris Accord on Climate Change. The asshole(R) is out of control as he makes the US look like criminals on the world stage, like the criminal conman HE is. Screw the sleazy slimeball(R) and the gullible sheep he rode in on.... The 193-nation U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly approved the treaty in April 2013 and the United States, the world's No. 1 arms exporter, voted in favor of it despite fierce opposition from the NRA. Trump's action drew an immediate rebuke from international human rights groups. "The United States will now lock arms with Iran, North Korea and Syria as non-signatories to this historic treaty whose sole purpose is to protect innocent people from deadly weapons,” said Oxfam America Presi...

OMG, the clowns at FOX are bitchin’ cuz ABC’s ;The View’ had Joe Biden on, and somehow they’re playing favorites.

Wow, imagine that, a TV network playing ‘Favorites’. Excuse me while I laugh my ass off............ And although we don’t travel nearly as much as Joe, we’ve run into the same thing, everywhere we go, as we hear from citizens of EVERY country we visit. ‘What the Hell happened to America?’ I found myself thinking -- by the way I travel around the world a lot as vice president and since then I have as well. The rest of the world -- I mean, they look at us like my god -- what happened to America?” And I try to explain about the LIES from FOXNews, swallowed by the gullible sheep and how Karl Rove’s plan of ‘TAKE OVER THE CHURCHES, cuz ‘THEY VOTE’—-REPUBLICAN! And even though Karl, Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes laughed at the Christians behind their backs, the strategy paid off., with Bullshit Mountain to hammer home the ‘Lies for the gullible’.

Anything and everything he doesn’t like Fat Donny just calls it Fake News, and the gullible sheep lap it up. Some things never change...,,,


Thanks again, Dotard.


Fat Donny, wanna-be dictator.


Wow, when Fat Donny’s Obstruction is SO blatant that even the clowns at Bullshit Mountain admit it, that’s pretty obvious.

Fox News legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano is not going easy on President Trump. In a  scathing op-ed  and accompanying video published Thursday, Napolitano said that special counsel  Robert Mueller’s report  on Russian attempts to influence the 2016 presidential election and Trump’s efforts to cover it up showed a clear pattern of criminal behavior with multiple acts of obstruction of justice. Yup, no matter HOW MANY times Dotard claims ‘No Obstruction’ it’s obvious to ANYONE with a functioning brain, FOXSheep obviously excluded that the Criminal Conman obstructed AND attempted to obstruct in MANY ways. And Mueller said so, many times. It just wasn’t in his job description to bring charges, as the Dept of Justice isn’t allowed to, BUT, he can, and DID point out at least ELEVEN times when the Orange Clown obstructed justice. Will this matter to the gullible, ignorant sheep? OF COURSE NOT! There are approx 1/3 of the country for whom (R) after a politic...

I’ve seen a LOT of hypocritical bullshit from the Pubs, but Franklin Graham’s latest crap is off the chart.

Yup, the kid who rode his father’s ministry to fame is now bitchin’ about Buttigieg being gay, and how God hates him and his type, after supporting the Pussy Grabber, who cheats on ALL his wives, with hookers and porn stars and is only prez cuz the Russians put him there, is off the chart, even for the HYPOCRITES(R). Yup, a NYC conmen, who LIES, all day every day and goes bankrupt multiple times behind his Army of Lawyers is FINE with the ‘Christians’ but someone who is ‘born that way’ as in being gay is ‘condemned’ by Mr Graham? Screw you, Dotard, and the hypocritical, gullible sheep you rode in on.

Wow, Russian-backed Fat Donny, the criminal conman is lawyering up AGAIN, and defying the law, which says he MUST, no two ways about it, turn over his taxes, which would show how deep he is into the Russians.

Wow, I’m shocked,  Dotard thinks he is ABOVE THE LAW and it doesn’t pertain to him, cuz he KNOWS what deep shit he will be in if/when his taxes are made public, unless he LIED on them, like he does on EVERYTHING else. Screw him and the gullible sheep he rode in on. Congressional committees that create tax policy are allowed to look at anyone’s tax returns thanks to a 1924 law enacted as a check on corruption in the executive branch of government . Neal   gave the administration until 5 p.m. Tuesday to comply. The law gives no leeway for refusal.

Can you imagine, Hillary was prez, which the MAJORITY of Americans wanted, by over three million, and we learned Russia put her in office?

AND, she refused to share her tax returns? AND she had hundreds of millions in ‘loans’ from Russia, AND, she’d laundered hundreds of millions of Russian Mafia dollars/rubles? AND, we learned she had hooked up with porn stars, and paid them off, and LIED about it? Think about it, rightwingnut jerks(R). REALLY! Show me where I’m wrong, you hypocrites...... And how about if she had gone bankrupt SIX TIMES, got 15% of the vote in her home state, where people knew her well, and she refused to let her businesses or finances to to be seen, as she hired a YUUUGE Army of Lawyers to hide everything? And she LIED about everything, averaging over a dozen per day! Approaching over TEN THOUSAND lies after two years in office! AND, what if her kid had met with the Russians, as well as MANY members of her campaign committee, and her lawyer? And, she put in a tax cut, for her people, that BUSTED THE BUDGET. BUT, Fat Donny’s a Pub, so none of this shit counts against hi...

SOOOO, Dotard claims he was TOTALLY EXONERATED on charges of obstruction, even after Mueller SPECIFICALLY said we CAN’T say he didn’t obstruct, and gave 11 different instances where he did, BUT, he said, ‘That’s not my job, that’s the job of Congress.”

His ‘Approval Rating’ DROPPED. And that’s before we even find out about any or all of the YUUUGE number of redactions, put in by his pet monkey. Yup, at this time 37% approve his reign of error, mainly cuz ‘The stock market’s UP’, after he greased the skids, with bullshit tax cuts for the rich, AND, the Evangelicals say ‘He’s one of us’. OMG, How STOOPID can you be? Never mind, we know, cuz it’s OBVIOUS. It’s only about one in three, BUT, WTF is WRONG with 37% of the people? The same people who LOVED Mitt, but now hate him for telling the truth about the A-hole in the White House. Oh yeah, that crowd of FOXSheep would approve of Satan himself. (Another name for Fat Donny), if he had an (R) after his name after Sean and Rush have shoveled their empty heads full of FOXCrap. Dotard fired Comey for investigating the Russian connections and McGahn QUIT instead of firing Mueller, as the Liar in Chief ordered. Just two instances among MANY that prove obstruction, but NOTHING for the...

I wonder if the clowns who work at FOXLies, and the gullible minions who read their crap even know the meaning of irony?

If not, there’s no better example of LAUGHABLE irony than the article today as FOX dissects the tax returns of several Dem candidates and claim they don’t do enough charitable giving. In another small headline we see where Fat Donny has his Army of Lawyers fighting efforts to look at his businesses, finances and tax returns. And this bullshit makes sense to WHO? Oh yeah, the gullible sheep who listen to the Pub Propaganda Machine, created by Roger Ailes as an ALTERNATIVE to ‘real’ news, where mindless minions can be reassured, all day every day, Dems BAD—-Pubs GOOD, as the Bullshit Mountain clowns dissect the Dem tax returns, finding fault in the minutiae while their boy refuses any and all access to his taxes, finances and business. What would we see, other than YUUUUGE financial dealing with Russia, ZERO payment of taxes, phony net worth numbers, ZERO charitable giving and ‘who the hell knows’ what else, cuz the Russian-backed criminal conman refuses any light being shown o...

Seems impossible, but the Columbine Massacre was twenty years ago today, as twelve students and a teacher were shot by a couple whackjobs.

Several of the victims bled to death, while the highly paid and heavily armed SWAT Team hid in the parking lot, for nearly two hours after the shooters killed themselves. Yup, the Kevlar wearing cops laid low while a hero teacher and several students slowly bled to death after Dylan and Klebold committed suicide. BUT, the cops were all over the place, charging the school district ‘MILLIONS’ in overtime and investigative fees to ‘PROVE’ that Dylan and Klebold were the shooters. I’ve never forgiven the chickenshit cops and never will, as their cowardice cost several innocent lives, BUT, they made big bucks ‘investigating’ the crime. The good news after the cowardly jerks hid out while students bled to death? SWAT Team tactics have changed, and any personnel  acting like the Columbine cops will hopefully be prosecuted. We can never keep weapons out of determined criminals and those who think we can legislate our way out of mss shootings are ignorant and sorely mistaken, BUT, we...

Fat Donny’s claims about the Mueller report went from ‘total exoneration’, to ‘total bullshit’.

I believe them both. His claims of ‘total exoneration’ were ‘total bullshit’, as the MasterSlinger of Bullshit expects people to actually BELIEVE him, the Liar in Chief. ARE YOU KIDDING? The conman who cheats at golf, his marriages, business and EVERYTHING he touches, expects us to believe HIM, over everyone who was sworn in, under oath to tell the truth, something his Army of Lawyer’s REFUSED to let the Pathological Liar do, cuz they knew (according to his own people), ‘He can’t stop LYING’, and he’ll perjure himself. You think Dotard is pissed NOW, just wait til some of the ‘redacted’ stuff comes out. The stories that his pet monkey doesn’t want people to see, BUT WE WILL, eventually, and then Fat Donny will REALLY come unglued, calling everyone else a liar, while he LIES HIS ASS OFF, again and again.

Hmmmmm, I wonder who’s telling the truth?

The MANY witnesses, under oath, who tell about the Lying Conman in the White House, who did everything he could, to kill the investigation and fire Mueller, or the Pathological LIAR himself? Those who swore to tell the truth and were corroborated by others under oath, or the A-hole who averages over a dozen easily provable LIES per day? Hmmm, tough call, as the Liar in Chief calls the testimony ‘Total Bullshit’, IF you’re a head up your ass FOXSheep, who swallows the crap from Bullshit Mountain, Ft Donny’s ‘State Media’, patterned after His fat buddy’s regime in North Korea. The only difference? Sean and the clowns don’t wear pink kimonoes, like Kim Jong Un’s lackeys, but they SHOULD. “Total Bullshit”, Trump claims, and he should know, about ‘total bullshit’, as the worst LIAR to ever inhabit the White House. NOT EVEN CLOSE! “Statements are made about me by certain people in the Crazy Mueller Report, in itself written by 18 Angry Democrat Trump Haters, which are fabricated & ...

Before the ‘redactions’ even come out, Dotard’s approval ratings have dropped by another three points, which is barely above one out of three, while the other 2/3 of us, who DON”T get our ‘news’ from the Repub Propaganda Factory want the guilty conman arrested, tried and imprisoned.

BUT, if you get your ‘news’ from Fat Donny’s private ‘shit shovelers to the sheep’, you probably think the Liar in Chief WON, and this is all over. HA! The Russian-backed (over a hundred meetings/communications with his family and campaign committee) Pathological LIAR has got some ‘splainin’ to do once the authorities get his lying ass on a witness stand, under oath, not shielded by an army of lawyers who let him claim, three dozen times, ‘I don’t remember’. And answer all the questions for him. The LYING jerk will perjure himself in the first five minutes, cuz that’s who he is and what he does. Not that the Pubs give a shit, just like having the Russians pick our prez. No Problem for the hypocrites.... The number of Americans who approve of Trump dropped by 3 percentage points to the lowest level of the year following the release of a redacted version of Mueller's report on Thursday, according to a Reuters/Ipsos online opinion poll. Read Newsmax:  Trump Poll Numbers Drop Ami...

Although Dotard’s pet monkey doesn’t believe a sitting president could be subpoenaed or indicted, (that’s why the stooge got the job), and Mueller and his team wasn’t allowed to question the guilty perp, (good job, legal team), there is till ample evidence to indict the creep on ‘Obstruction’ charges, even though Mueller wasn’tasked With that choice.

Mueller still laid out MANY areas where Fat Donny obstructed, and attempted to obstruct just. And that’s not even counting the hundreds of redactions that Dotard’s lackey blacked out, not allowing ANYONE in Congress to see the results of two years worth of investigations., as Barr acted as the Liar in Chief’s personal attorney, NOT the AG of the US. Now it’s up to Congress to DEMAND to see the entire report and take appropriate action (prison!) against the criminal conman in the White House, hopefully now, but definitely after he’s voted out of office. They have plenty to work with. The Mueller report paints a picture of a president who took extraordinary steps to undermine a lawful investigation into him and his associates. Trump fired the FBI director, tried to fire Mueller, asked the FBI director to stop investigating former national security adviser Michael Flynn, tried to persuade Attorney General Jeff Sessions to reverse his recusal and tank the investigation, and tried to i...

Was gonna reply to all the ‘Trump’s innocent, of EVERYTHING, and realized, ‘why waste my time’...

Anyone who could look at that guilty pig and see anything but a Russian-backed, LYING, guilty NYC con man who cheats on taxes, golf, his wives, business and EVERYTHING (Fat Donny is 239 lbs?) the Pathological Liar touches, is SO STOOPID/clueless that they aren’t worth my time, as the gullible sheep swallow the crap from Bullshit Mountain and think they are INFORMED. Not worth my time, pointing how GUILTY the LYING SOB is, cuz ‘No Way’ logic and truth would work on the FOXSheep. Never has and never will....

Did anyone else notice?

Dotard’s pet monkey AG Barr, who auditioned for his job, by kissing Fat Donny’s ass, used the Liar in Chief’s own words ‘No Collusion’, kissing up to his audience of one, using a totally ‘NON-legal’ term, and ignored conspiracy, collaboration and obstruction, which the criminal is obviously guilty of. AND, Barr ignored the sentence before the one he quoted, which said, ‘if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the president did not omit obstruction of justice, we would so state.’ BUT, he didn’t, and stated ELEVEN instances when Dotard asked his lackeys to LIE for him. Most said NO, and McGahn even resigned over it. Also, remember wasn’t tasked with finding ‘obstruction’, only a provable, direct ‘Conspiracy’ between Dotard and the Russians. Fat Donny obviously covered his tracks well, although his henchmen didn’t. If William Barr was any further up Trump’s ass he’d have to breathe through Fat Donny’s butthole....

BTW, as we learn how the Russians interfered YUUUGELY in the 2016 election,

Fat Donny lost the popular vote by over THREE MILLION votes, and won the electoral college by a TOTAL of less than 180,00 votes, spread over three Rust Belt states. And this is after Gary (Asshole) Johnson) siphoned MILLIONS of votes from the left, in his egotistical run. Much like we got GW and The Dick after Ralph Nader sucked MILLIONS of votes on HIS ego derived campaign. Because of those two egotistical jerks we have had to suffer through Dotard and GW. IF there’s a God, he/she must HATE the US....

Dotard was right, IF WE WERE STILL A NATION OF LAWS, when he said, ‘My presidency is over, I’m FUCKED’, but we’re not.

Fat Donny and his minions have taken over our govt. If you have any doubt, just look at ALL of Barr’s statements, including his speech today, which showed he is the Liar in Chief’s lackey, NOT the head counsel of the US. Obstruction is SO obvious in SO many ways, and Mueller laid it out, plus what we have seen as the jerk fired Comey and TRIED to fire Mueller,  his staff met with the Russians, etc. Now we use need someone to grow a pair and prosecute the lying SOB, no matter what Dotard’s minions say. Mueller said, “The Russian govt interfered  in sweeping and systematic fashion, in the 2016 presidential election ‘. Can you IMAGINE what FOX and their gullible sheep would be saying if HILLARY had won, and we heard this? Armed insurrection, at the LEAST. BUT, it was Fat Donny, SOOOOO, No Problem, for the HYPOCRITICAL jerks(R). Un-fucking-believable, but SO Republican, as they don’t face the question. WHY did the Russians want the Orange Clown in the White House? May...

I’m just wondering’when, if ever’ we’ll find out what is actually in Mueller’s report.

We know that Fat Donny’s pet monkey. The hand-picked flunky through who all the report must pass, has gone out of his way to spin, obstruct and redact anything that might be harmful to the Liar in Chief and it will take subpoenas, which the Orange Clown in the White House, and his army of lawyers just ignore, to get any REAL info from Mueller’s investigation. Botto line, Dotard never even testified, cuz his own people said he wouldn’t be able to ‘not LIE”, SO,  his cadre of legal defenders spent MONTHS handcrafting answers to Mueller’s questions, then Fat Donny’s minion in the AG’s office blotted out anything that might hurt his boss, acting as Dotard’s own lawyer, rather than the Atty Gen of the US, in all his remarks that spun the report before the YUUUUGELY redacted was released. Barr 'disagreed' with Mueller's obstruction theories, so he redacted them

Fat Donny is BITCHIN’, cuz his private ‘State News’ let a member of ‘the enemy’ inside their hallowed walls.

Yup, Dotard is pissed, cuz Bullshit Mountain allowed Bernie Sanders to speak to the sheep. AND, the Liar in Chief mocked Bernie for being a millionaire and said Bernie oughta ‘thank’ him for his income, although Sander’s $$ came from his best-selling book. I’m sure the French appreciated the Orange Clown’s advice of ‘water bombing’ Notre Dame, just like the Californian’s appreciated him telling them they wouldn’t have a fire problem if they ‘raked the forest’ and didn’t allow their rivers to run to the sea. Thanks, but no thanks, you fat clown......

While Dotard’s new Sec of the Interior faces charges of collusion with the very agencies he is supposed to regulate, after being a life-long lobbyist for them,

The recently retired Sec Zinke just signed a $140K ‘consulting’ contract, with $120,00 travel allowance, with a mining company he helped open public land for them to mine on. The stench of the swamp just gets more odiferous by the day. Meanwhile, good news for the Catholics in the Detroit area. The local church leaders have decreed it acceptable for them to eat muskrat on Fridays, to supplement their diet of fish. You can’t make this stuff up......

No one embodies the term ‘rightwingnut’ much better than the absolute whackjobs, Michele Bachman. If I gotta explain, you ain’t been paying attention, SO, I was kinda shocked to see I mostly agree with her, concerning Fat Donny.

She claims he is the epitome of a Biblical ruler. RIght, Michele, no one personifies the ‘Anti-Christ’ more so, than the Liar in Chief, who has fooled the gullible minions. Wow, if Dumpty isn’t ‘central casting’ for the ‘End of the World Christian’, I don’t know who could possibly do better. Former Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) has “never seen a more biblical president” than President Donald Trump .  In comments posted online by Right Wing Watch, the evangelical former presidential candidate gushed that she was “ so impressed ” by Trump, specifically when it came to religion. She told the “Understanding The Times” radio program: “He is highly biblical, and I would say to your listeners, we will in all likelihood never see a more godly(????), biblical president again in our lifetime.              Yup, if God is a Russian-backed, Pussy Grabbing, Pathological LIAR, Dumpty is is truly God-like. OMG! Michele Bachmann(R), as whac...

File it under, ‘Are you shittin’ me?’

All of us are used to LIES from the Liar in Chief and his paid, professional LIAR, Sarah Hunkameat, but her latest bullshit, today, is off the chart, even for Republicans. After saying for years that he’d love to show us his taxes, BUT, he’s under audit so he can’t (which is a total LIE, as usual from the lying piece of crap), now his paid liar is saying ‘Congress is too stupid to understand his complicated returns, SO, they aren’t gonna release them. Can you IMAGINE if Hillary was prez and she tried this bullshit?????? Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Congress Not ‘Smart Enough’ To Understand Trump’s Taxes The White House continues to push back on Democrats’ request for six years’ worth of the president’s tax returns.

I liked Rep Omar’s reply to Dotard, after he’s been slinging crap at her.

"I did not run for Congress to be silent," she wrote. "I did not run for Congress to sit on the sidelines. I ran because I believed it was time to restore moral clarity and courage to Congress. To fight and to defend our democracy." She continued: "No one person — no matter how corrupt, inept, or vicious — can threaten my unwavering love for America. I stand undeterred to continue fighting for equal opportunity in our pursuit of happiness for all Americans."

The HYPOCRITICAL Pubs say the Dems ‘have no reason to see Dotard’s tax returns’.

Oh really? What if his sons are telling truth (they may be different that’s the Liar in Chief) and he got his financing from Russia after financing in the US ‘dried up’, maybe after he declared bankruptcy SIX TIMES, and stiffed his creditors. It’s all recorded, what Eric and DJTJ said, several times..... Can you imagine if HILLARY had a background like that? Ya think maybe the Pubs would want to see HER tax returns? And now, Dotard is fanning the flames against a Muslim Congressperson for ‘inappropriate comments’ about 9-11. This, from the a-hole whose first comment after 9-11 was ‘Well, it looks like I have the tallest building in New York now’, with a smile. Then he claimed to have seen thousands Muslims cheering, dancing and celebrating in New Jersey, a total LIE, like nearly everything else he says, BUT, anything and everything he says and does is FINE with the hypocrites(R), for whom a Russian-backed, pussy grabbing, NYC conman, Pathological LIAR is NO PROBLEM. Screw him...

And yet they had enough power to elect the Russian-backed, Pusssy Grabbing NYC conman, thanks to Bullshit Mountain, and Karl Roves’ plan to head them all together and VOTE REPUB!

More education= better understanding of science= less likely to be Repub. And you wonder WHY they(R) are so anti-science? There are now as many Americans who claim no religion as there are evangelicals and Catholics

It ain’t easy, for the Liar in Chief to maintain has average, of LYING over FIFTEEN TIMES A DAY, but he’s up to it, and is even INCREASING his average..


Tax season’s here, and SOMEONE has to pay....Remember when the Liar in Cheat claimed Obama golfed ‘Way Too Much’?


Dotard, the ‘whiny little bitch’, is bitchin’ cuz the media isn’t paying enough attention to the ‘Obama WHite House lawyer who was recently indicted.

Trump accuses media of not focusing enough on charges against Obama White House lawyer By  CAITLIN OPRYSKO   04/12/2019 10:54 AM EDT Well, Fat Donnay, I agree with you. He should be exposed, for the crap he did, which was ALL over two years after he left Obama’s White House. And what were his crimes? He worked with Pau Manafort(R), the criminal clown’s buddy, and the Russians, AGAINST the Ukraine, and made a YUUUGE pile of money for his efforts. Money paid by the Russian govt/mafia (one and the same). So, the Liar in Chief oughta be careful what he wishes for, cuz even his gullible, ignorant sheep can figure this one out. Obama’s boy, my ass, He’s Steve Bannon’s henchman, working with Dotard.

Fat Donny’s hand-picked stooge, ‘Jus doin’ his job’....., claiming the FBI was ‘spying’ on Fat Donny’s campaign, after ALL the US intel aganecies said Russia was backing him and his people were meeting with the Russians in Trump Tower, and SEVERAL on his campaign committee were meeting with the Russians and LYING about it. Yup, you ignorant, gullible sheep, that’s called ‘spying’.


You ever wonder WHY Dotard and his minions are claiming we need YUUUUGE cuts to ‘entitlements’. BTW, those ‘entitlements’ are Social Security and Medicare, both of which we PAID for, with over 40 years of ‘deductions’ from our paychecks, to help pay for our expenses when we retired (got old).

Yup, Fat Donny and his henchmen are seeing YUUUGE deficits, during a booming economy, and have to look for $$$$ somewhere, SOOO, they’re looking to stiff us retirees from getting our own money back, PLUS cutting money for education and the environment. WHY don’t we have the money? Cuz the Liar in Chief SLASHED taxes for the one percent, including for corporations, including  SIXTY of the LARGEST most profitable companies in the world, while telling his gullible, ignorant sheep that he’s a ‘friend of the little guy’, and the idiots(R) swallow it, as they are asked to cough up more $$$ so the following companies don’t have to pay ANYTHING. Thanks a BUNCH, you ignorant, gullible sheep.... President  Donald Trump ’s new tax law aided corporations so radically that twice as many companies paid no federal taxes whatsoever in 2018, despite billions of dollars in profit, according to a  new study . Amazon, Netflix, Chevron, Eli Lilly, Delta Airlines, General Motors, IBM ...

Was just reading a good book and came upon a very interesting quote.

The great Sir Isaac Newton realized that if the universe weren’t infinite then gravity would cause everything to crash into each other. Wow, I realize it’s hard for the human mind, existing in a finite world, to comprehend infinity, even a great mind like mine..... But seriously, the concept of an infinite universe DOES explain how gravity doesn’t suck everything together in a massive blob. And then, there’s trying to understand gravity. WTH? Wow, infinity, and gravity. What amazing concepts. Reminds of Buzz Lightyear and his saying, ‘To infinity, and BEYOND!’ Hmmmmm, interesting, but stoopid.

No wonder Dotard loves the clowns at FOX so much. THey’re both ‘birds of a feather’, who make shit up, and expect others to beleive it.

Fat Donny Tweeted out some numbers he’d LOVE to be true, from one of his biggest cheerleaders at Bullshit Mountain, showing he had 55% approval rating. NOT EVEN CLOSE, but typical of the LIES and propaganda, from the network created by Roger Ailes, to give ‘alternative facts’ to the clowns who can’t handle ‘real’ news. Same old crap from the clowns who shovel shit to the sheep, who happily swallow it. President Donald Trump on Thursday morning tweeted out a screencap from Lou Dobbs’s Fox Business show purportedly showing his approval rating at a robust 55 percent. There’s just one problem: That number is inaccurate. The poll in question — a Georgetown Institute of Politics and Public Service national survey of 1,000 registered “likely” voters conducted between March 31 and April 4 — actually pegs Trump’s job approval rating at 43 percent, with 52 percent disapproving. Forty percent of respondents said they have a favorable impression of Trump, compared to 55 percent who h...

We all know Fat Donny LIES his assoff, BUT, even for Dotard, this latest busullshit is off the chart.

Yup, the LYING piece of crap claimed that OBAMA started separated immigran children from their parents, and HE stopped it. Total Bullshit, but just what we’ve come to expects from the Liar in Chief has told over TEN THOUSAND LIES, so far, and his pace is accelerating, as the sheep swallow his crap, and ask for more. So many of his LIES just roll off his tongue and off our backs, BUT, this one is YUUUGE, even for the “Mother of LIES’, the Russian-backed Orange Clown in the White House, who’s taken the party of GW and The Dick to New Lows, that no one thought possible, as he lies his ass off, every time he opens his vile mouth...... BTW, Dotard’s stooge, William Barr’s buried Mueller report is gonna have more ‘blackouts’ than Brett Kavanaugh in high school and college.

As Barr ;shifts the heat’ from the report he won’t release, until it’s HEAVILY redacted, Dotard’s stooge is claiming Trump’s campaign had an FBI ‘spy’ like that’s bad.

Attorney General  Bill Barr  testified Wednesday that he believes "spying did occur" on the Trump campaign in 2016. What the hell is the FBI supposed to do, after Papadopolous, on Dotard’s campaign, gets drunk and brags he’s meeting with the Russians, and ALL the US intel agencies say Russia interfered with the election, AND Putin, admitted, ‘we wanted Trump to win’, and the Russians met in Trump Tower with Trump’s kid, and Dotard has YUUUUGE financial dealings with Russia? The FBI would have been criminally negligent NOT to spy on the Russian-backed conman, BUT, when they do, the Pubs scream FOUL! It’s all a transparent effort to change the dialog, if/when Fat Donny’s ‘hand-picked’ stooge is forced to release more than his four page summary that DIDN’T clear the clown of obstruction, no matter HOW MANY LIES he says to the contrary. ‘Totally exonerated’ my ass. After two years and thousands of witnesses, Mueller’s report has been BURIED by the Pubs, just like Fat...