Dotard, the ‘whiny little bitch’, is bitchin’ cuz the media isn’t paying enough attention to the ‘Obama WHite House lawyer who was recently indicted.

Trump accuses media of not focusing enough on charges against Obama White House lawyer

Well, Fat Donnay, I agree with you. He should be exposed, for the crap he did, which was ALL over two years after he left Obama’s White House.
And what were his crimes?
He worked with Pau Manafort(R), the criminal clown’s buddy, and the Russians, AGAINST the Ukraine, and made a YUUUGE pile of money for his efforts.
Money paid by the Russian govt/mafia (one and the same).

So, the Liar in Chief oughta be careful what he wishes for, cuz even his gullible, ignorant sheep can figure this one out.
Obama’s boy, my ass, He’s Steve Bannon’s henchman, working with Dotard.


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