We all know Fat Donny LIES his assoff, BUT, even for Dotard, this latest busullshit is off the chart.

Yup, the LYING piece of crap claimed that OBAMA started separated immigran children from their parents, and HE stopped it. Total Bullshit, but just what we’ve come to expects from the Liar in Chief has told over TEN THOUSAND LIES, so far, and his pace is accelerating, as the sheep swallow his crap, and ask for more.
So many of his LIES just roll off his tongue and off our backs, BUT, this one is YUUUGE, even for the “Mother of LIES’, the Russian-backed Orange Clown in the White House, who’s taken the party of GW and The Dick to New Lows, that no one thought possible, as he lies his ass off, every time he opens his vile mouth......

BTW, Dotard’s stooge, William Barr’s buried Mueller report is gonna have more ‘blackouts’ than Brett Kavanaugh in high school and college.


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