Can you imagine the SCREAMS from the assholes at FOX, if Hillary had been elected (a majority of votes) and ALL the US intel said Russia backed her?

AND, she financed her business with Russian (mafia) money, and she REFUSED to release her taxes, after she’d paid gigolos to screw her, and LIED about it, after bragging about ‘Grab ‘em by the balls’, after she went bankrupt SIX times.

THINK ABOUT IT, you rightwingnut hypocrites!

Rush and Sean would lead the ‘torch and pitchfork brigade’ on the White House, and the self-righteous ‘Preachers’ would condemn her to Hell from their pulpits.You KNOW it’s true.
BUT, when Dotard does it, NO PROBLEM, with the HYPOCRITICAL JERKS(R), as they go to church to back him.

The a-holes(R) have two sets of rules. One for the Dems and then NO RULES for themselves, as Dotard runs roughshod on everything our country used to hold sacred.

Screw you(R), and the gullible, hypocritical sheep you rode in on.....


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