There are SO MANY FOX-catapulted Repub LIES, that I get SO SICK of, but one of the worst, and most repeated LIES is....

Repub tax dollars pay for welfare receiving Dems.

Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s just the opposite, no matter how many times the professional LIARS at FOX shovel their crap to the gullible minions who swallow their LIES.

Over Ninety Percent of the top twelve tax PAYING states are BLUE.
AND, over Ninety Percnet of the tax dollar sucking states, (think Bible Belt, Pub base) are RED.

Same old shit, and has been forever.

Blue states pay, red sates receive, and the LIARS at FOX tell the sheep the opposite.
Like I say, SO MANY FOXLies, but that one really gets me, cuz it’s so often repeated, and so readily believed, by the gullible, low rent sheep, who elected a Russian-backed, multiply-bankrupt, pussy grabbing, off the chart LIAR, NYC conman as prez.


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