You ever wonder WHY Dotard and his minions are claiming we need YUUUUGE cuts to ‘entitlements’. BTW, those ‘entitlements’ are Social Security and Medicare, both of which we PAID for, with over 40 years of ‘deductions’ from our paychecks, to help pay for our expenses when we retired (got old).

Yup, Fat Donny and his henchmen are seeing YUUUGE deficits, during a booming economy, and have to look for $$$$ somewhere, SOOO, they’re looking to stiff us retirees from getting our own money back, PLUS cutting money for education and the environment.
WHY don’t we have the money?
Cuz the Liar in Chief SLASHED taxes for the one percent, including for corporations, including  SIXTY of the LARGEST most profitable companies in the world, while telling his gullible, ignorant sheep that he’s a ‘friend of the little guy’, and the idiots(R) swallow it, as they are asked to cough up more $$$ so the following companies don’t have to pay ANYTHING. Thanks a BUNCH, you ignorant, gullible sheep....

President Donald Trump’s new tax law aided corporations so radically that twice as many companies paid no federal taxes whatsoever in 2018, despite billions of dollars in profit, according to a new study.
Amazon, Netflix, Chevron, Eli Lilly, Delta Airlines, General Motors, IBM and Goodyear were among the tax-free corporate titans, according to an analysis by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, a Washington think tank, released Thursday.
The study found that 60 of the largest publicly held companies paid ZERO taxes, and now SOMEONE has to make up that difference, to fund the largest, most bloated military in the history of the world. Guess who that’s gonna be?


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