Trump and his minions are constantly disparaging Haollywood and the ‘snowflake Liberals’, but LOVE to claim they’re gonna produce jobs, jobs jobs, with dirty, polluting coal.

The truth is, Hollywood and the film industry creates MANY MORE, and much better paying jobs than ALL the mining in the US, but don’t tell the clowns at FOX that, as they push to replace clean, lower-priced natural gas with dirty coal, so a few of their backwoods, backwards supporters don’t have to retrain for 21st century jobs. 
Nope, Fat Donny’s people just mock the ‘treehuggers’ who want clean air and water, instead of the dirtiest, most expensive alternative. And the clueless, gullible ignorant minions listen to Rush and Sean, and swallow their bullshit.
Nothing new here, but it gets SO old.....

Speaking of bullshit.... Ken Buck(R) just got elected to run the state Repub party, which just got TROUNCED in the 2018 election, where they lost all three branches of the Colorado govt, and all of the state’s elective offices. ZERO Pubs won on the state level, in a stark repudiation of all things Trump/Republican.
BUT, Buck won 51% of his fellow Pubs votes by campaigning that (believe it or not) HILLARY is the one who colluded with the Russians, NOT Dotard. AND, the ignorant jerk(R) claimed the FBI tried to swing the election for Hillary. WTF? Remember Comey’s memo eleven days before the election, and her emails? Plus, he wants to bury Mueller’s report, cuz it’s all just political.
Plus, he supports the Pub policies of wide open drilling in Colorado’s National Parks and Wilderness areas, when Big Oil is drilling on well under 10% of the land they already control.
THIS is what passes for reality in the imaginary world of Repub politics, as they support a pathological LIAR who doesn’t even know what country his father was born in.....
And you wonder WHY I can’t stand ‘em? 


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