SOOOO, Dotard claims he was TOTALLY EXONERATED on charges of obstruction, even after Mueller SPECIFICALLY said we CAN’T say he didn’t obstruct, and gave 11 different instances where he did, BUT, he said, ‘That’s not my job, that’s the job of Congress.”

His ‘Approval Rating’ DROPPED. And that’s before we even find out about any or all of the YUUUGE number of redactions, put in by his pet monkey.
Yup, at this time 37% approve his reign of error, mainly cuz ‘The stock market’s UP’, after he greased the skids, with bullshit tax cuts for the rich, AND, the Evangelicals say ‘He’s one of us’.
OMG, How STOOPID can you be? Never mind, we know, cuz it’s OBVIOUS.

It’s only about one in three, BUT, WTF is WRONG with 37% of the people?
The same people who LOVED Mitt, but now hate him for telling the truth about the A-hole in the White House.
Oh yeah, that crowd of FOXSheep would approve of Satan himself. (Another name for Fat Donny), if he had an (R) after his name after Sean and Rush have shoveled their empty heads full of FOXCrap.
Dotard fired Comey for investigating the Russian connections and McGahn QUIT instead of firing Mueller, as the Liar in Chief ordered.
Just two instances among MANY that prove obstruction, but NOTHING for the sheep that wouldn’t care if the Orange Clown ‘shot someone on Fifth Avenue’, as he claims.
Screw Trump and the sheep he rode in on.....


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