I’m thinking f becoming a criminal, BUT only if I can get Dotard’s lawyers.

If/when I get caught, you won’t be allowed to question me.
Send the questions to my lawyers, they’ll meet and write up some bullshit, and agree I can’t be questioned or subpoenaed.
After a two year investigation, I get to appoint one of my fans to read the charges, and then make up some bullshit for public onsumption.
AND, if those who think ‘it’s not right’, and subpoena me, my lawyers will ignore/fight that subpoena, while ‘REDACTING’ anything that makes me look bad.

Don’t like it?

Talk to the judge I just appointed, like the Atty Gen I just appointed, after reading his 19 page, unsolicited treatise on why a president can’t be indicted.

Yup, I think I’m gonna love my life of crime, IF I can get Dotard’s lawyers.
Probably the same shysters who allowed him to go ‘Bankrupt’ SIX TIMES, as walked with the cash, leaving the ‘little people’ holding the bag. Although that meant no one (in the US) would loan him money.
BUT, No Problem, Putin and the Russian Mafia will loan money, as long as they can continue to launder BIG MONEY through Trump’s real estate in NYC.
AND, when Dotard runs for prez why NOT support him?
BUT, we all know this, although 1/3 of us don’t give a shit.
Nothing new here....


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