Just think about what the Pubs stand for these days, with Fat Donny in charge.

Denying and ignoring lawful subpoenas and orders from Congress.
Unlimited arms sales to rogue nations and ‘undesirables’ around the world. One of THREE nations NOT to follow the NATO agreement.
Just like the US is one of only a couple nations who aren’t part of the Paris Accord, which fights the PROVEN concept of Climate Change, just part of the ANTI-Science platform of the Pubs.
They put a Russian-backed, self-admitted Pussy Grabbing Pathological LIAR in the White House.
Today the clown claims he put down a ‘coup’, which is a violent, armed takeover of a govt, and the goons at the NRA meeting applauded him.
They supported a Cabinet where over half of the Secs were/are TOTALLY UNQUALIFIED.
They ignore the fact that his family, lawyer and campaign committee met over a HUNDRED times with the Russians, where his own sons said he got his financing, after US sources ‘dried up’.
The Pub ‘tax cut’ went over 90% to the top ONE PERCENT. The same crowd that finances Pub politics all over the country as the middle class disappears.

Screw it! 
I could go on and on, but 2/3 of us know what 1/3 of the jerks deny as they swallow FOXCrap instead of ‘real’ news while they think they’re ‘informed’.
What a JOKE....


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