What could possible go wrong? Fat Donny, who famously said, ‘I know more than the generals’ is now testing that thesis again, as Capt Bonespurs is going against ‘His Generals’ AND the Pentagon, declaring a sovereign counrty’s military is a ‘Terroriist Organization’.

President Donald Trump has declared on more than one occasion that he’s smarter than America’s military leaders.
And with his unprecedented decision Monday to designate Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a foreign terrorist group, he’s setting up another test of that thesis.

Trump chose to overrule the Pentagon, again, and is creating his own foreign policy, largely led by Israel and his Jewish son-in-law.
OMG, this a-hole is gonna get us into WWIII with Iran, which is what MANY Europeans who we talked to last year in Scandinavia were afraid of.
‘He can’t really hurt us over here, unless he does a George Bush and starts another war, and it gets out of control’, is what we heard SO MANY times, whenever people found out we were American, and then forgave us as we explained we’re not THAT kind of American, who supports the Russian-backed NYC conman, a Pussy Grabbing, incompetent Pathological Liar. That would be the FOXSheep and the televangelist’s targets.

Yup, after a year’s long negotiation, with all the world’s powers, Iran signed a pact, and everyone agrees they are upholding it, incl the US military. But Dotard knows better, SO, he broke the pact, put crippling sanctions on Iran and is now goading them further, taking his cues from the clowns at FOX and the new-cons who LIED us into our last YUUUUGE mistake in the MidEast.

The damage this a-hole can do seems nearly endless, as he ‘overrules’ those who actually KNOW what’s going on.
Thanks again, Capt Bonespurs, and you gullible, ignorant sheep who elected the arrogant, egotistical conman.


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