If he was the CEO of a large, or small, company, he’d be seriously looked at for dementia, or worse.

But cuz he’s prez he gets away with crap that no one else could.
His shtick about ‘tell the wind to blow honey, I want to watch TV tonight, followed by, ‘I know a lot about wind’, then saying, ‘they say that the noise from wind turbines causes cancer’. OMG!

But I still think the worst, from his latest bullshit, was saying ‘oranges’ for ‘origins’, THREE times.
Then he tells us how ‘smart’ he is, how he has a ‘very large brain’, and ‘I know words, I have the BEST words’. ‘I’m like REALLY smart, a stable genius’.
And his gullible, ignorant minions have No Problem, with an incompetent, arrogant, egotistical, delusional a-hole like him running the country, cuz he has (R) after his name. Anyone else would be carted off to the looney bin for psychiatric tests. He doesn’t even know where his father was born?

The ‘Tim Apple’ episode a few weeks ago, his calling Venezuela a company, and then yesterday, confusing his grandfather’s birthplace with his father’s, mispronouncing ‘oranges’ for ‘origins,’ and stating out of the blue, ‘I’m very normal,’” recited Bandy Lee, a professor of psychiatry at Yale University who has been waving red flags about Trump’s mental state for years. “There is no question he needs an examination.”
“I think he’s suffering from pre-dementia. And it’s only getting worse,” said John Gartner, a clinical psychologist with practices in New York City and Baltimore.


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