Joe Biden’s in trouble, cuz of some public hugging and a kiss on the top of the head, BUT,

We have a self-admitted Pussy Grabber in the White House who’s had three wives and cheated on them ALL, paying off porn stars and hookers that he ‘raw dogged’, and then lied about it.
Let’s not forget the FIFTEEN women who claimed he sexually abused them, (Remember when he said he was gonna SUE THEM ALL?)
But for the Hypocrites R Us party it’s just ‘boys will be boys’ and ‘locker room talk’.
I get SOOO tired of the two-faced jerks(R) and their ypocrisy, whether it’s their ‘fiscal responsibility, promising to help ‘the common people’ (HA) and  preaching ‘Cristian values’ while the anti-Christ sits in the White House.

Did you hear Dotard claim, ‘the Republicans will be known as the ‘Health Care Party’, just last week?
Then McTurtleface told him ‘shut the fuck up’, cuz we got NOTHING, and tell the gullible sheep that their ‘Magic Healthcare Plan’ will be revealed AFTER the 2020 elections, and Dotard shut up about the health care plan that doesn’t exist. They(R) are FINE with the US being the ONLY major (or minor) country where getting sick or hurt is a chance for Big Medicine to bankrupt you.
The lying hypocrites(R) snipe at the Dem’s ACA, but after TEN YEARS have NOTHING for the second half of ‘Repeal and Replace’ that they love to shovel to the gullible sheep.
Same old shit, promise ‘Fiscal Responsibility’ and run up the biggest deficit EVER, while the economy is SO good, according to them. What’s gonna happen when we have the inevitable downturn? Probably another Pub-caused ‘disaster’ like Bush-Cheney handed off to Obama.

You think the deficit is high NOW, with Dotard’s Tax Cut gift to the one percenters and the yuuuge corporations that paid no taxes BEFORE the tax giveaway. Sorta like Dotard himself, who bragged about paying no taxes. We could check, but the Russian-backed, pussy grabbing, incompetent, pathological LIAR won’t release his taxes.

Just like his hand-picked lackey in the Atty Gen’s office won’t release Mueller’s report.

I could go ON AND ON, but why? If you look at the Orange Clown and see anything but a lying NYC conman, you’re obviously a FOXSheep and gave up on truth and reality long ago, so why remove your head from your ass now?


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