The NRA, which started out as a gun rights group and devolved into a Repub Political Action Committee, used by the Russians to funnel $$$$ to Dotard’s campaign, is in a leadership fight.

Wayne LaPierre, the LYING jerk who continually screams,’The Dems are gonna TAKE YOUR GUNS’,  (although no one has ever figured out HOW), has been in an ongoing fight with Ollie North, the criminal who headed the Iran Contra scandal where GHWBush traded DRUGS for guns and started the inner city crack epidemic to get $$$ for the war that Congress said NO to.
BUT, the drug dealer is a Pub ‘HERO’ for some God-forsaken reason and is now threatening to show the YUUUUGE sums pocketed by LaPierre from Russia and other players in the NRA’s schemes to put more guns on the market (on American streets and in dictator’s hands around the world) and more Pubs in office. Will be interesting to see how it all shakes out as the leaders fight over their ill-gotten gains from Russia and the world’s arms dealers.
Sickening, but SO Republican, as Fat Donny kissed their asses and begged for their continued support and $$$$.


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