Did anyone else notice?

Dotard’s pet monkey AG Barr, who auditioned for his job, by kissing Fat Donny’s ass, used the Liar in Chief’s own words ‘No Collusion’, kissing up to his audience of one, using a totally ‘NON-legal’ term, and ignored conspiracy, collaboration and obstruction, which the criminal is obviously guilty of.
AND, Barr ignored the sentence before the one he quoted, which said, ‘if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the president did not omit obstruction of justice, we would so state.’

BUT, he didn’t, and stated ELEVEN instances when Dotard asked his lackeys to LIE for him.
Most said NO, and McGahn even resigned over it.
Also, remember wasn’t tasked with finding ‘obstruction’, only a provable, direct ‘Conspiracy’ between Dotard and the Russians. Fat Donny obviously covered his tracks well, although his henchmen didn’t.

If William Barr was any further up Trump’s ass he’d have to breathe through Fat Donny’s butthole....


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