As Barr ;shifts the heat’ from the report he won’t release, until it’s HEAVILY redacted, Dotard’s stooge is claiming Trump’s campaign had an FBI ‘spy’ like that’s bad.

Attorney General Bill Barr testified Wednesday that he believes "spying did occur" on the Trump campaign in 2016.

What the hell is the FBI supposed to do, after Papadopolous, on Dotard’s campaign, gets drunk and brags he’s meeting with the Russians, and ALL the US intel agencies say Russia interfered with the election, AND Putin, admitted, ‘we wanted Trump to win’, and the Russians met in Trump Tower with Trump’s kid, and Dotard has YUUUUGE financial dealings with Russia?

The FBI would have been criminally negligent NOT to spy on the Russian-backed conman, BUT, when they do, the Pubs scream FOUL!

It’s all a transparent effort to change the dialog, if/when Fat Donny’s ‘hand-picked’ stooge is forced to release more than his four page summary that DIDN’T clear the clown of obstruction, no matter HOW MANY LIES he says to the contrary.

‘Totally exonerated’ my ass. After two years and thousands of witnesses, Mueller’s report has been BURIED by the Pubs, just like Fat Donny’s taxes. I’d bet my house they BOTH show the Liar in Chief has MAJOR dealings with Russian banks and the Russian mob laundered YUUUUGE money through the conman’s NYC real estate, BUT, the Pubs (who SHOULD care about such crap) don’t give a shit.

Remember when Russia was the enemy and the FBI was our friend? Not if you’re an ass kisser(R) with your nose buried deep in Fat Donny’s ass, as the Pubs sell their souls for $$$ and poitical power.


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