Hmmmmm, I wonder who’s telling the truth?

The MANY witnesses, under oath, who tell about the Lying Conman in the White House, who did everything he could, to kill the investigation and fire Mueller, or the Pathological LIAR himself? Those who swore to tell the truth and were corroborated by others under oath, or the A-hole who averages over a dozen easily provable LIES per day?
Hmmm, tough call, as the Liar in Chief calls the testimony ‘Total Bullshit’, IF you’re a head up your ass FOXSheep, who swallows the crap from Bullshit Mountain, Ft Donny’s ‘State Media’, patterned after His fat buddy’s regime in North Korea.
The only difference? Sean and the clowns don’t wear pink kimonoes, like Kim Jong Un’s lackeys, but they SHOULD.

“Total Bullshit”, Trump claims, and he should know, about ‘total bullshit’, as the worst LIAR to ever inhabit the White House. NOT EVEN CLOSE!
“Statements are made about me by certain people in the Crazy Mueller Report, in itself written by 18 Angry Democrat Trump Haters, which are fabricated & totally untrue,” Trump wrote Friday, adding that some were “total bullshit & only given to make the other person look good (or me to look bad).”


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