I can’t wait to read Rick Reilly’s new book, ‘Commander in Cheat’, about Fat Donny and the stories about how he cheats at golf, like everything else the LYING piece of crap does.

I remember when Rick wrote ‘Who’s Your Caddy’, after he had golfed with MANY famous people and pro golfers. Rick normally rode in a golf cart, like the rest of us, but when he was training to be a world class caddy, he had to get in shape, carrying a heavy golf bag around the course. And after the book came out he had many stories, but some of the most pervasive and interesting, were how Trump was/is such a CHEATER, on the golf course. Just like EVERYWHERE else.
Keep n mind, this (Who’s Your Caddy), was way before the Orange Clown became prez, or even thought of it.
Although it sounds like a great book (new one), I’m sure it won’t change any minds. 2/3 of us KNOW he’s a LYING piece of crap and the other 1/3 don’t give a shit. If everything he’s said and done doesn’t make you wanna puke when you see his fat face or hear his whiny which, one more book won’t.
t's likely Trump fans will never read this book, but if they do they won't care about its startling revelations, or this window into Trump's soul. They have shown over and over again that there's no lie, on the course or off, that Trump can tell that could ever persuade them he is anything other than (as Trump has proclaimed himself) "the greatest president since Abe Lincoln."


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