After a meeting between the Orange Clown and Schumer/Pelosi,

we find that SOMEONE is lying. WOW, I wonder who, after they met to discuss DACA and The Wall?
The funniest quote from it is from a Pub who said, 'Trump is losing his credibility'.
The worst liar in the history of the presidency is losing his credibility...
That's as much of a joke as FOXNews.
Speaking of the Liar in Chief's LIES, here's the top 100+. for the dumbshits who rely on FOX and never see them. Really! Check 'em out! Well documented..... over a hundred....

The Pubs bitched about Lying Obama, cuz he said 'you can keep your Dr', which MOST people could/can.
BUT, when dealing with the worst LIAR in history, they have NO PROBLEMO.....
Can you say HYPOCRITES?


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