The people who know Trump best, New Yorkers, HATE HIM,

cuz they've witnessed his bullshit, and voted against him, by over 85%, BUT, the Orange Clown found a whole new bunch of supporters (suckers), in the rural Evangelical crowd.
Yup, the huckster convinced the hicks that he CARES about them.
Oh really?
You believed the Pussy Grabber when he said his favorite book is The Bible?
Someone who's been sued, THOUSANDS of times, for screwing people?
Someone who has only been out for HIMSELF, his entire life?
A pathological LIAR?
PT Barnum said it best, when he claimed there are 60 of you lollipops born every hour.
Or something like that....
You didn't Make America Great Again, you enrolled in Trump University. Suckas.....

PS I'm trying to decide which is the best way to describe his VP.
A man/mayonnaise hybrid, OR, a human shaped glob of dried Elmer's Glue.
Either works for me, for the guy who won't have a meal with an unchaperoned woman and calls his wife, 'Mother'.
Mike Pence, Trump's way to further cement his bond to the 'Believers', who believe all his crap, and is the ONLY argument against impeaching the Liar in Chief, Dotard Drumpf.


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