Despite their LIES to the contrary,

the figures are in, and the Pubs are at it again. Their new Tax Plan is HIGHLY skewed to the richest in our country.
In a way I'm kinda glad to see it, as the dumbshits who voted for the Orange Clown are gonna get dumped on, AGAIN, although those hit the hardest, those making $150-$300K are most likely to be Democrats, from all available income data in Red vs Blue States. Bottom line, 80% of the benefits will go to the top 1%. This figure is from the non-partisan Brookings Tax Policy Center.
Time for you Dotard Drumpf devotees to remove your heads from your asses, cuz the Pubs have a plan to replace your head with a body part of their own....
Some things never change.
Despite repeated promises from Republican lawmakers that the plan is designed to provide relief to the middle class, nearly 30 percent of taxpayers with incomes between $50,000 and $150,000 would see a tax increase, according to the study by the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center.
The majority of households that made between $150,000 and $300,000 would see a tax increase.
Meanwhile, 80 percent of the tax benefits would accrue to those in the top 1 percent. Households making more than about $900,000 a year would see their taxes drop by more than $200,000 on average.
“A major feature is tax collections would shift dramatically, from businesses to individuals,” said Eric Toder, a co-director of the Tax Policy Center.

Additional collateral damage from the Pub Tax Plan will be to the housing market, where the elimination of the standard mortgage deduction will SIGNIFICANTLY lower the value of homes, which are typical the American's largest asset, 
Don't you just LOVE them Republicans? Neither do I, for a YUUUGE number of reasons.


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