There are several Us vs Them situations,

like Flat Earthers vs Science, Trump supporters vs sane people, Climate Change believers vs 'head up their ass crowd', FOXSheep vs the Informed Citizenry and the 'God Is On Our Side' (so we can can do no wrong) crew vs everyone else.
Now we have a new divide, though not all that surprising.
Colin Kaepernick took a knee, at great personal cost, both to his wallet and reputation, to protest the inequality he saw, mostly because of the YUUUGE number of documented shootings of unarmed black men by white cops, with ABSOLUTELY NO CONSEQUENCES for the shooters. This happened MANY times and we all saw the videos.
Now, the 'head up their ass crowd' is calling for 'Boycott the NFL', cuz they choose NOT too recognize the origin and purpose of the demonstration.
They would rather make it about, 'They hate our country', following the lead of the Liar in Chief, who will do/say anything to keep the focus on HIM.
These sheep fall into the category of 'I will support my country NO MATTER WHAT', and are truly dangerous to civilized society. If the US wants to start a war, based on LIES, as in Viet Nam and then again in Iraq, these gullible 'patriots' blindly wave the flag and say, 'WHATEVER, the current leader of our country wants to do, I'll support it',  instead of taking the difficult path and recognizing, 'This is WRONG', and just because it's done under an American flag doesn't make it right.
There has always been and will always be, Us vs Them.
Sometimes, like the election of a vain, arrogant, egotistical, unqualified pathological liar, or an NFL player making a huge personal sacrifice to point out widespread racial injustice, it just makes the YUUUGE gap between 'us and them; easier to see, though it is always there.
Bottom line, I'm seeing who 'them' is more clearly now, and am SOOO happy I don't have to associate with THEM, so I'm not going to.
Who knows, ignorance may be contagious....


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