In keeping with his tradition of nominating the WORST

possible candidate for the job (see Carson, Perry, DeVos, Sessions, Pruitt, etc), the Orange Clown picked Jim Bridenstein(R), Oklahoma..
Jim has ZERO experience with NASA and ZERO background in science or engineering. SOOOOO, PERFECT for heading NASA!
It's like a giant experiment in  "How To Wreck Our Country', and this dweeb, who doesn't believe in Climate Change is now in charge of NASA, and awarding YUUUUGE contracts to other ultra-Conservative, clueless, unqualified nutjobs.

On the campaign trail, Donald Trump often promised his adoring throngs that if elected, he would hire "the best people" to help him run the country. Now that his cabinet is nearly filled out, we have a sense of the qualities Trump believes makes someone "the best": a vast fortune, a decorated military career and/or utter contempt for the agency they've been selected to head and the people that agency was built to serve, and/or ZERO experience in the agency they are now 'in charge' of.
Thanks again Orange Clown, and all you gullible idiots who elected him.
You should be SO proud of the Pussy Grabber.....


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