Just saw the movie 'War Dogs',

based on actual historical events from the documented story, 'Arms and Dudes'. It's the story of small time hustlers who got sucked into supplying the US military during the war in Iraq. It was a $300 mil scam, no big deal for the trillions involved in the wars in Afg and Iraq, after we were LIED into it by the Pubs.
It is based on the fact that after Iraq, the military needed a different system of awarding contracts, other than just GIVING everything, billiuons and billions, to CHENEY'S companies and friends.
See the movie, read the article and see why I've always called GW and The Dick, totally guilty War Criminals.
They should be prosecuted and for crimes against humanity.
All the bombs, bullets and other weapons, sold at YUUUUUGE profits were used to kill and maim human beings. Americans and others.....
It's the Republican way. Some things never change.....


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