Wow, the tone deaf Trumpies FINALLY smelled the coffee,

on an issue that even the Orange Clown could understand, and read from a teleprompter.
The little piggies in the Liar in Chief's Cabinet better not get caught being coddled on private jets, NOW, that their most hated enemy, the MEDIA, exposed the clowns flying to vacation hotspots, with their wives, for a small amount of 'business'.
WOW, something everyone can agree on, and the Liar in Chief is jumping on it.
The jerk(R), no matter how clueless, can recognize a trend...
Taxpayers don't like to get screwed by his stooges.
Who da thunk?
 Bottom line.....The Pubs 'Get religion', once they're caught.
Nothing new here, as the HYPOCRITES get caught, AGAIN, and act like they didn't KNOW!
Some things never change......
And the sheep say, 'Thank you sir, may I have another?'


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