In the world of politics, it's not all black and white,

there is some gray. In a quiz/questionnaire to determine party affiliation, I am consistently 60% Dem and 40% Repub. When it comes to removing Confederate statues, immigration, regulations, and in MANY other areas, I can see both sides.
BUT, in the current NFL controversy, stirred up by the Liar in Chief, just to keep his name in the headlines, for something other than Russia, it's not at all gray
By itself, the flag is just fabric, but it REPRESENTS our country, and our greatest claim to fame is FREEDOM. The FIRST guarantee is FREEDOM of speech.SO, when the rightwingnutjobs claim an athlete, or anyone else has NO RIGHT to protest  'wrong' within our country, such as a BUNCH of unarmed black men being shot down by white cops, with ZERO consequences, they are just plain WRONG. No gray area.
They(R) like to claim kneeling shows a hatred/disrespect for our country, military and way of life. BULLSHIT!
It's a protest about people being SHOT, and the shooters getting away with it, REPEATEDLY.
It took YUUUGE courage for Colin Kaepernick to stand up and jeopardize his career. He explains kneeling like flying a flag at half mast, to symbolize a tragedy. It takes no courage for the rightwingnuts to sit back and bitch, while misrepresenting the basis for his protest.
Anyone who can't see this is just WILLFULLY IGNORANT, which is nothing different for some(R) in our country.
And who stirred it up? The Asshole in Chief who called pro athletes Sons of Bitches who should be FIRED, but had to be forced to condemn Nazis and Klansmen, then did so very mildly.
Bottom line, if you can't/WON'T see this, it's nothing new. The same crowd who cheered the invasion of Iraq, based on lies, where thousands were killed, then bitched ENDLESSLY cuz 4 diplomats died, after the Pubs cut embassy funding, sure isn't going to 'see the light' now, with their heads still deeply and firmly implanted.
Some things never change....


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