New Wall St Journal poll out

(and remember the WSJ is owned by Rupert Murdoch(R). It shows Mitch McTurtleface, majority(R) leader, with an approval rating of 11%. ELEVEN!
The Liar in Chief's numbers went up slightly, after he reached across the aisle, AND we've been distracted by natural disasters, rather than the UNnatural disaster of the Orange Clown in the White House, and he's now UP to where less than 4 in 10 Americans support him, instead of 3 in 10.
But remember, 3 of 10 in the US would support Satan himself if he had an (R) after his name, no matter WHAT he does.
We saw that with GW and The Dick as the lied us into war and wrecked our economy.
Basically, one third of America(R) is gullible/stupid/indoctrinated to the point that logic/rationality 'left the room', long ago.....


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