File it under 'Duh'...

At a time time when our country needes healing and unification, the Orange Clown in the White House is doing just the opposite.
According to the latest ABC News poll findings, 66 percent of Americans say Trump has done more to divide the country, while 28 percent say the president has done more to unify.

Yup, Dotard Drumpf isn't happy unless he's creating controversy. It's the vain, arrogant megalomaniac's way of keeping HIS face in the news, which is what it's all about for him
No other president continues to hold campaign style 'rallies' where he can bask in the adulation of his mis-informed minions, rather than working to solve the myriad of problems that face us as a country.
Nothing new here, but what kind of fool can look at the clown and say, 'Yup, he's my guy'.....


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