Wow, I am really enjoying '60 Minutes' tonight

Charley Rose vs Steve Bannon. A couple of really smart guys, with a totally different agenda. Bannon is gonna support the Orange Clown, NO MATTER WHAT, and Charlie is using logic and patriotism. No doubt, Steve is a sharp guy, BUT, his agenda SUCKS.
The Deplorables can relate to most of what he says, as he defends David Duke and his 'self deportation' for the DACA people.
Bannon is an intelligent asshole, rather atypical of the rightwingnuts who swallow the crap from FOX, ignoring the Russian collusion and living in his 'head up the ass world', where Russian interference doesn't matter, as long as it puts a Repub in the White House.
For Bannon and his ilk, nothing beyond (R) matters, and who cares about Putin loving Trump and enabling his election.....
You ever wonder why?
I'll guarantee you it's not cuz the Liar in Chief is gonna make America better/stronger. Think about it.....
The Russians now have 'their boy' in the White House.
What could possibly go wrong?


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