Proving you can remove the Bimbo for Bullshit Mountain, BUT,

you can't smarten her up.
In a typical FOXNews remark, although Megyn Kelly is now with NBC, she made her debut memorable, for her rightwingnut ignorance.

The former FOX News correspondent welcomed
the cast of "Will & Grace" onto her new morning
show on Monday morning ahead of the hit NBC
sitcom's revival, and a comment that she made 
while talking to a superfan of the show is garnering
 Kelly criticism on Twitter.
'Kelly brought lawyer Russell Turner onto the stage 
to meet his idols saying, "Russell didn't know this was 
going to happen!"
"Is it true that you became a lawyer -- and you 
became gay! -- because of Will?" 
Bottom line, you can't fix stupid, BUT, just keep them
 herded together, at FOXNews.....


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