As I think about the Trump supporters

who believe in him, while they also believe in Noah's Ark, Jonah and the Garden of Eden, (where the son of the First People 'married' a woman from another tribe) I see a pattern.
Who is shocked that these 'deep thinkers' elected the Orange Clown?
Not me, in a world where a triple digit IQ disqualifies you from the Repub Party, for OBVIOUS reasons.....
Yup, Noah built a boat that held ALL the animals on earth, with food, for 40 days, and then they returned to a muddy swamp, and the survivors swam to the other continents.
Wow, believe that and the Liar in Chief is no big stretch.
Congrats, you brainiacs who elected Dotard Drumpf, cuz he CARES about the little guy. AND Russian collusion is Fake News.
Can I please sell you a bridge or some swamp land.
Low down payment, but I only accept cash.....

PS At what point do you surrender your brain and logic, as you swallow the dogma?
AND, at what point do you listen as your brain begins to say,,,
'Hey. listen to me, PLEASE'.
Again, nothing against a spiritual life, but a LITERAL Bible? Are you kidding?


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