If your head was SO FAR up your ass

that you didn't realize, or didn't/don't care how we were LIED into the War in Iraq, check out the book 'Hubris', that explains how the a-holes(R) with power lied us into the war, SO, their Big Oil interests could make them insanely rich.
Don't believe it?
Check out the book, or at least the synopsis.
Yup, the jerks(R) killed Americans and Iraqis so their Big Oil investments could EXPLODE, like the bombs that killed and maimed real people, as the price of oil, (their business) jumped from $14/barrel to over $140/barrel. Yahoo! Success, for them. Not so much for those killed and wounded...
Ya think they might have profited YUUUUGELY?
Haliburton stock went up over a thousand per cent, just like the Bush oil business. Who da thunk?
Whenever in doubt, follow the money. Check it out. I dare you.... 'Hubris'.
Then check out 'Crossing the Rubicon' if you REALLY wanna know 'What Happened', as Pubs followed the exact plan that worked SO well for them in Viet Nam, where they also 'LIED us into war, for PROFIT!
For my international readers, don't judge us REAL Americans by the Repub party (low income/IQ) that has LIED their way into power, AGAIN.
Like your own country, we have a BUNCH of ignorant voters, mostly cuz of FOXNews.
Please forgive us, as anyone with a brain thought Viet Nam could NEVER happen again, Then we got Bush/Cheney(R).
OMG! Just as our VA hospitals were starting empty....
Tell me again A-holes(R), 'What did we win?' I can sure tell you what we lost.....


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