After the Twitter war between the PR mayor and the Liar in Chief

Lin Manuel Miranda, (who has more talent/intelligence in his little finger than the Liar in Chief has in his entire gelatinous body), creator of 'Hamilton',  had a few choice words for the Orange Clown, who gave himself an A+ for his efforts in Puerto Rico.

You're going straight to hell, @realDonaldTrump.
No long lines for you.
Someone will say, "Right this way, sir."
They'll clear a path. 
She has been working 24/7.
You have been GOLFING.
You're going straight to hell.
Fastest golf cart you ever took. 
Did you tweet this one from the first hole, 18th hole, or the club?
Anyway, it's a lie. You're a congenital liar. 


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