I used to look at the Civil War and wonder...

how can Americans split THAT far and actually shoot each other?
No longer do I wonder.
I can see a time in the not too distant future when all of us will be forced to take a side.
Us vs them.
Those who look at the Liar in Chief and say 'That's my man', vs those who look at him and are split between disillusionment and anger.
Ignoring the problem can morph into name calling, then who knows where it goes from there?
Fists, and then what?
I just know I've NEVER seen such divisiveness and I lived through the Viet Nam era and GW and The Dick taking our country down, lying us into the Iraq War and a YUUUUGE recession.
BUT, this is worse, as I see the results of Russians installing their vain, arrogant, unqualified goon(R) in the White House, and nearly half the country doesn't even care, as the asshole in chief always finds something new to divide us. Now it's sports, after his White Supremicist leanings.
What's next?
Don't worry, the Liar in Chief will think of SOMETHING to take our thoughts away from his Russian connections.


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