To the surprise of NO ONE,

The Emmy Awards teed off on the Orange Clown and most people got a bunch of laughs from it, as the former reality show 'star', who bitched and whined about not winning an Emmy was now the BUTT of a bunch of jokes.
SURPRISE, FOXCrap is now bitching and whining cuz the jokes weren't presidential. WELLLLLLL, talk about not presidential, look at the Orange Clown in the White House. He's taken the office from a pedestal to a feces infested mud hole.
SOOO, while MOST of America laughed, the Clowns of Bullshit Mountain missed the joke, which is funny, cuz THEY are the ones who enabled for The Joke in the first place.
I just wish I could have seen the jerk's face as he was skewered, time after time, esp after Spice-baby wheeled out the podium and declared, 'It's the largest crowd to EVER watch the Emmies'.


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