This just in, from the Fake News/Rile the Sheep 'news' agency

According to Hannity, 'Comey Should Be Prosecuted'
According to 'Judge' Napolitano, Clinton Should be Prosecuted
According to 'Judge' Jeanine, 'Clinton AND Comey Should be Prosecuted
According to John Bolton(R), North Korea, and/or it's weapons, 'Should Be Removed'

WOW, talk about a bunch of angry, old white farts....
The only good thing? Somehow the Liar in Chief has managed to keep John Bolton out of his administration. Can you imagine that ignorant SOB with actual POWER? OMG!
But, like always, the sheep swallow the crap and say, 'thank you sir, may I have some more'.
And you wonder HOW we got the Orange Clown in the White House?
Thank Roger Ailes, the smartest Political Strategist EVER, who realized you can NEVER underestimate the intelligence of the American people.
The BEST news? The average age of the the typical FOX listener is now over 70, and FOX is rapidly losing market share to MSNBC, who has taken over the #1 spot in cable news.
Bottom line, there IS hope for my country.


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Not sure why,