Just returned from a class reunion,

and had a really good time with people I haven't seen for a while. It is SO amazing that so many years can pass so fast, BUT, most of us are still young at heart, and in pretty good shape for old farts, as we shared memories from the good ol' days. Lotta fun....

Looks like Hurricane Irma hit at the best possible place, if you are a Floridian. She came ashore in a swampy, uninhabited area, and she's dropped from a Four, to a Two and gonna weaken from there.
Coulda been MUCH worse, but is still gonna be pretty nasty, with power out over a YUUUGE area.
No ice and air conditioning for awhile. You don't realize how much you like/need electricity til you don't have it....
Kinda tempting to get back into the 'Disaster Insurance Adjuster' business, as they are gonna need people like me and I could use some adventure in my life.
We'll see, and I do enjoy writing large checks to people who really need the money, BUT, it is kinda stressful.


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