Dotard Drumpf's man, Gary Cohn,

is IGNORING the YUUUUGE amount of equity that would be LOST, (which some people tap for all kinds of purchases), and saying the $1000 they might save could be used for remodels or a new car.
No shit, I'm not making this up, as we hear the latest Rpub propaganda.
Trump's economic advisor Gary Cohn said Thursday that an American family could save $1,000 under the Republicans' proposed tax reform plan, and it could use that money to pay for a new car or a kitchen.
"If we allow a family to keep another thousand dollars of their income, what does that mean? They can renovate their kitchen, they can buy a new car, they can take their family on vacation, they can increase their lifestyle," he said. "That's what our tax plan has to do."
OMG!. This is what the liars are saying, as they plan to torpedo the value of the  biggest asset each family has, by removing the Fed AND State tax deduction of home ownership.
Even the dullest, most ignorant of the sheep(R) oughta be able to see this as the BULLSHIT it is. ORRRRR, maybe not, cuz they ain't known for their smarts...
They maybe can't see, that if the mortgage deduction is lost, this is a YUUUUGE dis-incentive to lay down a YUUUUGE amount of money for a home, therefore damaging the VALUE, desirability and price of a home.
Who can't see something SO obvious?
Oh yeah, the sheep(R), who just BAAA and say 'thank you sir, may I have another'...


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