The gullible sheep believed the Orange Clown, and elected him

for his promises like 'Repeal and Replace Obamacare, on the first day', and Build the Wall, although there is no way to successfully build a wall IN the river or near (US side doesn't want it, Mexico side won't allow it) the Rio Grande, (see map), which is a YUUUGE part of the border, AND the Native Americans who own a YUUUGE part of the real estate say No Way.
Good luck, Orange Clown.
And for those of you who actually believed/voted for the Liar in Chief. Are you kidding?

Tohono O’odham Nation Chairman Edward Manuel
is determined to prevent President Trump's proposed
border wall from carving a path through his tribe's
lands — a move which he said would separate
members from much needed resources and disrupt
 the community’s way of life.
The nation, which is about the size of Connecticut,
is a federally recognized tribe that has land and
members on both sides of the U.S.-Mexican border.
Does this reality dissuade the sheep? Of course not.
They're the sheep.....


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