Nearly everyone agrees, Hillary was expected to win the election,

but she didn't. There a many reasons why, incl Comey, FOXNews continual hammering at her about BENGHAZI! (where four were killed, after GW lost over 60 diplomats), and the FOXClowns 'private server' fiasco, (her server, created by the Secret Service was NEVER hacked), and Russian interference, (ALL US intel agrees on this), but the sheep(R) won't say WHY the Russkies wanted/want The Orange Clown in charge. Also, many Bernie supporters either didn't vote, or cast worthless ballots for Gary Jonson, in an idiotic protest that put Trump's lying ass into the White House. This is the same mentality that gave us GW, cuz 2% of the Gore vote went to Ralph Nader. Thanks, idiots.....
These are all valid REASONS she lost, among many others that were her own fault.
BUT, when these 'reasons' are aired on FOXLies, they become 'excuses'.
Reasons vs Excuses.
This is equivalency, for the low-info, low IQ FOXCrowd who still think Obama is a foreign born Muslim and Hillary should have personally thwarted the BENGHAZI! attackers with an AK-47, after the Pubs cut embassy security funding.
Bottom line, we have an unqualified, vain, arrogant pathological liar in the White House, with DISapproval ratings twice as high as his approval rating, and those 'approvers' would 'approve' a retarded orangutan if he had an (R) after his name, just like 22% of the sheep still 'approved' of GW after he wrecked our economy and led us into a war, based on lies.
Bottom line, you can't fix stupid, and 'stupid' votes...... straight Republican.


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