While most people in the US, and most of the world

want to cut air pollution, by closing dirty coal burning power plants and replacing them with cleaner, more efficient, cheaper natural gas, the dumbshits(R) in charge, lead by the Orange clown and the dufus Rick Perry, Energy Secretary, want to 'Reprice' the cost of electricity from the dirty, old coal burners, so a few redneck coal miners can keep their jobs, instead of being trained in an occupation that is actually needed.
Yup, Dotard Drumpf wants to reward the low/no education hillbillies who voted for him, SO, he's figured out a way to 'cook the books' to make it happen'. Screw the environment....

DALLAS » The Trump administration is pushing for changes in the way electricity is priced to better reward coal, which faces growing competition from natural gas and renew-ables.
Energy Secretary Rick Perry on Friday called on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to act within 60 days to adopt rules raising payments to coal burning power plants.

And you wonder why I can't stand the assholes(R)?


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