I wonder WHICH Trump crony(R) was making a fortune,

buying/selling FEMA trailers, in Texas, right in the peak of Hurricane season, as Harvey and Irma roared toward us. Bottom line, FEMA trailers, which are now in YUUUUGE demand were sold at Fire-sale prices (why?) right when they are needed most. Gotta love them Pubs, always looking for a way to make a buck, at the expense of those in need. Just like Health Care.
And you wonder WHY I can't stand 'em?

FEMA auctioned trailers as Harvey made landfall. The federal government auctioned off disaster-response trailers at fire-sale prices even as Harvey devastated southeast Texas, reducing an already diminished supply of mobile homes ahead of what could become the nation’s largest-ever housing mission.
More than 100 2017-model Federal Emergency Management Agency trailers were sold over the two days before the Category 4 hurricane landed in the Gulf Coast, an analysis of government data by The Associated Press found. Harvey was already projected to be a monster storm that would inflict unprecedented damage. The sales continued until Aug. 28, when floodwaters sent thousands of Texans onto rooftops and into shelters.
The auctions — about 300 since the beginning of the year — have left FEMA with a standing fleet of only 1,700 units. The agency has put out bids for another 4,500, but officials could not say when they would be ready to meet needs arising from Harvey, Irma and future storms.


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