Most people's largest asset, BY FAR,

among those fortunate enough to own their home, is the value of that home.
BUT, did you know part of the Pubs plan to 'cut taxes' is to do away with the mortgage deduction?

In the midst of the mad selling and explaining and quantifying and qualifying of potentially the biggest U.S. tax overhaul in decades,President Donald Trump's chief economic advisor stood at a White House podium and made a bold declaration: "People don't buy homes because of the mortgage deduction." But it sure helps!

Do you have any idea how much that would devalue the price of a home? If that tax benefit goes away, to help pay for the many YUUUGE tax breaks for the very rich, the benefit and value of home ownership would plummet.
Just sayin'.....
Much like the last Repub administration not only lied us into a catastrophic, EXPENSIVE war in the mid-east, AND caused the worst recession since the Big D, when real estate values lost nearly HALF, which took a long eight years under Obama(D) to recover from, the current clown has a plan to wreck our largest investment, AGAIN.
Don't you just love 'em(R)?
Neither do I.

This just in:

White House: State and local tax deduction will be gone, but this is not a 'red line'

  • A popular provision that allows homeowners to deduct state and local property
  •  taxes is not included in the current Republican-backed reform plan.

  • And you wonder WHY I hate those assholes(R)?

Cramer: This is the best bull market in homebuilders I can ever recall

    • Jim Cramer says Wall Street is witnessing the best bull market in homebuilders that he can "ever recall" but Congress is "fooling around" with it, and could ruin it.


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