It hasn't been proven YET, that Trump colluded.

with the Russians who DEFINITELY worked long and hard to make sure that the Liar in Chief was elected.
NO DOUBT, according to ALL the US intel that did SO MUCH to tilt the election toward him.
Even the clueless FOXNews rightwingnuts can't argue that fact.
BUT, the clueless minions can't explain WHY our arch enemy wanted/wants the Orange Clown in office.
HMMM, you whackjobs ever wonder WHY?
The IF isn't a question, it's just WHY?
Can you imagine the 'righteous anger' from the rightwingnuts if Hillary had won that way?
I'm guaranteeing armed conflict in the streets........
But that's DIFFERENT, for the clueless, uninformed FOXNews sheep, who bitched about the POSSIBILITY that Hillary's e-mails could be hi-jacked by a foreign govt (RUSSIA!).
Can you say HYPOCRITES?
Just another word for Republicans.....


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