Wow, again I am SHOCKED

In the Wall St Journal(R) there was an article today that had the top ten states for people receiving disability, AND, it is approximately the same as the top ten for those receiving welfare. A truly Republican 'double whammy'.
And guess what? In both cases 9 of 10 are Repub, Bible Belt states. The BASE of the Repub party that gave us Trump and GW.
Thank you SO much Repub Bible Belters for destroying our country in SO many ways. Not only bleeding us financially, but ALSO destroying us at the ballot box. Who da thunk you brainiacs could be SO gullible?
The other side of the coin?
Over 90% of the top income and education states (surprise, nearly the same) are Blue, Dem states. This is exactly the OPPOSITE of what Rush and Sean would have the sheep believe. Statistics don't lie, but Rush and Sean do, CONTINUOUSLY! The bottom feeders are Bible Belt Southern Repubs, whose single-wide existence is paid for by Blue State Dems.
Some things never change.
PS These jerks(R) also lead the nation in opiate abuse. It's called multi-tasking....
Check it out, right here, from the WSJ.

OK, rightwingnuts, there are a YUUUGE number of educated, high income Pubs. No doubt....
BUT, their(R) base is the Southern, Bible Belt, low income/education, gullible minions. WITHOUT A DOUBT.
 Don't like it? I understand, BUT, don't deny it. Google it, if you know how....
The gullible bubbas are strictly Repub and the Pubs have learned how to herd them, (thanks, Karl Rove) via FOXLies, to the ballot box. Rush and Sean speak to the double digit IQ crowd,
So, who am I to disagree? The 'believers in Noah's Ark' crowd got their boy into the White House, with the help of the Russians, who WANTED and GOT him.
You ever wonder WHY, the Russians like/want him SO much?
Think about it....


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