In the very near future

FBI Director James Comey, who was YUUUUGELY instrumental in installing the Orange Clown into the White House, will be testifying against the Liar in Chief, SOOOOO, the jerks(R), incl FOXNews, have begun a YUUUUGE smear campaign against him.
Duh, who da thunk?
The Trumpies are now claiming he 'leaked' (told the truth), about the Russian Collusion.
What to do?
Go on offense against Comey, who must be feeling SOOOO, bad, for his part in destroying western civilization.
Can you imagine living with the fact that YOU were/are the MAIN reason we have the Orange Clown in office?
I think I'd kill myself....
 BUT, Comey is now trying to 'save his soul' by telling the truth.
The Pubs are freaking out and attacking.
Who da thunk?
Get ready for more Comey smears, as he gets closer to sharing the info that the FBI has on the Trump/Russia collusion.
Just think of HOW MANY of the Trumpsters. incl the Clown, Clown Jr, Bannon, Flynn, lawyers etc claimed 'no contact' but LIED.
Bottom line? It's too late. The low info/low IQ crowd voted the vain, arrogant, vile, unqualified human being into the presidency.
Let's just hope the law of the land is justly applied by Mueller.
We can only hope.....


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